23: Cornered

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Note: This chapter is in Arthur's POV

The next day...

I think I'll go check on my little hostage.

I walked into the cellar, where what's-her-face was sitting silently.

"Tell me," I said, "what was your name again?"

She sighed, "It's Jewel. I've been here for how long and you still haven't remembered my name?"

"Sassy today, aren't you? I'd choose my words carefully if I were you. Are you mad because I killed your friend? I'm impressed. You haven't forgotten about someone who is so forgettable." I laughed.

"Shut up!" She shouted with tears in her eyes.

Why are humans so emotional? They really don't have to be. Oh well, I suppose if they didn't feel anything, it wouldn't be as fun to torture them.

I smirked, "Everyone, most likely, forgot about you. No one is going to save you."

She looked down, "No, Connor never forgot about me. I don't think she did either..."

My eyes narrowed, "Oh, so there's another? Who is this 'she' you're referring to?"

"There's no point in me saying who it is. You already know her." She replied, glaring at me.

Hmm...two people come to mind. I'm sure I don't have to tell her who I think it is. By her disgusting look, it seems she knows that I know who she's talking about...

I laughed, "Indeed, I do know her. Unfortunately, she's a little too important to die. I'll check on you later. I have business to attend to. Goodbye, Jewel."

I walked out of the cellar, locking the barrier behind me. I went to the meeting with the rest of the "leaders." We all sat down at a table. The chairs were similar to throwns fit for royalty. Of course, I was the only one deserving of that treatment, even if the others saw me as their equal. I was superior. Drama Queen was annoying like always, Smokey almost lit a disgusting cigarette until I slapped it out of his hand, and ego boy was, well, being ego boy.

I swear, I'm surrounded by fools...I can't imagine what this place would be like if I wasn't running it.

"Hey, Mr. King, how's your scheme going?" Drama Queen asked while drinking a cup of tea.

I sighed, "She's cooperating now, so there shouldn't be any further issues..."

She giggled, "You don't sound so sure! Something on your mind?"

"No, I am sure. Don't put words into my mouth, or I'll rip your mouth off your face." I demanded. Drama Queen rolled her eyes and stayed quiet. 

I smiled, trying to keep my composure, "Now, tell me, have any of you seen suspicious activity in your Tiers?"

Of course, ego boy was the first to answer, "No one would dare be suspicious on my watch. I'm the best at keeping everyone in order."

Smokey snapped at ego boy, "Yeah, yeah, you've said that a thousand times, douchebag!"

ego boy gasped and stood up, "How dare you? You have no right to speak to me in that manner, you lowlife!"

Why does Smokey have to be so annoying when he doesn't get a cigarette? And why does ego boy have to open his big mouth? Idiots...

"Oh yeah? I'll knock you down in a heartbeat right now!" Smokey stood up and cracked his knuckles.

I slammed both their heads on the table, "Sit. Down."

I released them and both looked at me then sat down. I cleared my throat, "Now, Drama Queen, did you find anything suspicious?"

She loudly sipped her tea then sighed, wearing a smile on her face, "Nothing suspicious other than the usual gossip. Oh, did you know that my lovely gossipers are making their own groups? It's adorable to see them dividing and talking so much about each other. Aaaaaanyway, Parker! I heard you saw something. Tell us about it!"

Smokey sighed, "Well, I saw an intruder wandering around. They were wearing a scarf and a black coat. I think they had black hair. I couldn't see their face because it was too foggy. I tried to catch them, but I didn't see where they went. I was hoping the rest of you would notice them. Can I smoke now?"

I nodded and Smokey lit a cigarette. I smirked.

A scarf, a black coat, and black hair. Very interesting...why would she come here?

"That's enough for today. You're dismissed." Everyone went back to their Tiers, while I went on a walk outside. I turned on my phone and called Finley.

"Hello, Finley. Did you send the letter?"

She replied, "Yeah, what's your plan anyway? What was the point of me giving the letter to her? Why couldn't you do it yourself?"

I laughed, "If I told you my plan, it wouldn't be fun anymore. I needed you to deliver the letter because she trusts you more than me. She's emotional too. I don't know why. Also, I have a question. When you delivered the letter, I assume you two talked? If so, did you say anything specific?"

"No, I just answered some questions, which were about the letter. Why?" Finley asked in confusion.

"Oh, no reason. Anyway, that's all I wanted to know. Goodbye, Finley."

I hung up the phone and placed it in my pocket. I looked down and laughed.

Sneaky spy...you already knew, didn't you?

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