8: Parker, the Addict

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My body froze, but I knew I had to move.

"At first I thought talking to him was a good idea, but I'm having second thoughts about that. Run!" Isaac shouted.

I snapped out of my fear and tried to run. But, once I took my first step, the Entity of Addiction grabbed my hoodie and threw me against the wall. I couldn't keep myself up and slowly collapsed to the cold ground. My back leaned against the wall. I looked up at the tall Entity, who looked down at me. He kneeled down to eye level. He looked into my eyes before he said anything.

He giggled, "I remember you. You're the half-breed the leader was talking about. Do you know who I am?"

"Y-You're the Entity of Addiction...right?" My voice trembled.

"That's right! I'm flattered that you recognize me! Oh, I hope the wall didn't hurt you too much. I'm not supposed to hurt you and I don't plan to. Technically, it's your fault you got hurt because you tried to run away. Anyway, what are you doing in my neck of the woods little lady?" He laughed.

"U-Um...I'm looking for someone." I said quietly.

"Really? Does that person happen to be....Jewel, was it?" He asked while he scratched his head.

"Yes, do you know where she is?" I asked.

"Well, yes and no." He grinned.

"What does that mean? Wait, no, I don't have time for this! Give me a straight answer!" I demanded.

He punched the wall. His fist was right next to my face. I shut up quickly and the fear I felt before had returned.

His grin faded into a frown. His voice became terrifyingly deep as he leaned closer and spoke into my right ear, "Let me tell you something really important: you're not on your turf, you're on mine. So, you better show me some respect, little lady..."

My body trembled at his threatening words. I wanted, so badly, to attack him, but my body was completely frozen.

He moved away from my ear and looked me in the eyes, "Now, why don't we start over? I'm the Entity of Addiction. Now, your turn."

I looked away from him, "Finley."

He removed his fist from the wall and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

"Nice name." He said as he lit a cigarette and sat down next to me. He put the pack of cigarettes, along with the lighter, back in his pocket.

"Uh, thanks?" I was very confused.

He almost punched me and he demanded respect from me, but now he's sitting next to me like we're friends?

"That's the Entity of Addiction for you. Oh, weren't you going to call him by a different name?" Isaac reminded me.

Oh, right. I'm thinking....Parker?

"Don't ask me. I don't care what you call him." He said carelessly.

I rolled my eyes, Parker it is.

"Can I ask you something?" Parker asked as he blew out smoke from his mouth.

"Sure." I replied as I pulled my shirt up to my nose to protect it from the smell.

He smirked, "Have you ever been possessed by an Entity?"

I looked down, unsure of how to answer, "Well, I'm not possessed. I guess, it's more like I'm being followed by one?"

"Oh, your resistance is impressive. Interesting, the High Tier Entity epically failed to possess you. The Entity of Corruption, is it?" Parker laughed. 

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