19. In a lie

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Valentina stood at the edge of the clearing, surrounded by the fir trees.
She looked on at the family of happy wolves playing and feasting on their latest kill.
Usually, a smile would play in her lips because she saw Aaron, her best friend, had achieved his goal through his son.

But as Valentina stood there, her eyes were filled with tears.
Was it even possible for...
Valentina shook her head at laughed at herself for still asking these kinds of questions.

It was clear that she wasn't a regular spirit and it was all his fault.
That Vampire had done something awful to her and now she was miserable.

Obviously, most of her misery was hemmed in the fact that she'd broken her promise to Niko.

That was it and nothing else. No, she didn't miss Nicholae, that would make no sense.
He'd kidnapped her, kept her against her will and then drank her blood.

She couldn't miss him.

Valentina floated to where Semi sat talking to Liza.
'Valentina.' She hastily got to her feet.

'Whoa there lady. You're pregnant, remember?'
Semi smiled and waved away her concerns.
'I've missed you. Why did it take you so long to return to us.'
Her opportunity to throw Nicholae under the bus easily presented before her.
'I wasn't done with snooping around our neighborhood vampire.'

'The necklace... that's new. Is that a gift from Nicholae?'
Valentina's hand touched the stone on her throat thoughtfully.
The answer to Semi's question? She honestly didn't know.

Liza must have spoken. Thankfully Semi translated.
'Liza likes him, and Niko. She says their good people.'

Valentina sent her a forced smile.
She wanted to scream that Nicholae wasn't a good person but now she had no basis. Now her memories were messing with her.
She saw one jumbled up one flash by. It was of her and Nicholae holding hands and hugging, then he handed her a cup. The memory made her happy but then her gut tried to tear it all down.
It told her something was wrong, that she wasn't supposed to be happy.

'You can't judge a person just by meeting them once or twice, Liza.'
Semi frowned at her statement.
'Nicholae brings his son here to train with Lupé, Liza and sometimes Cayden when he's around. Didn't you know?'

'What he does with his son is really none of my business.'
Semi had a retort ready for that.

'When has Valentina ever minded her own business?'
Valentina glared at Semi. She couldn't take offense since the joke had some truth to it.

'But why would he subject a young boy to such rigorous training? He's only seven for crying out.' Valentina complained.
That's why Nicholae hadn't mentioned it to her because he knew she'd react this way.

'He doesn't act like a seven-year-old sometimes. He's smart for his age. And I've watched their training sessions, he can hold his own against Lupé and Liza. Sometimes he even comes close to giving Cayden a run for his money.'

That did not convince Valentina. She'd have to see it for herself.

'He'll be here soon. He usually comes with the witches.'
That brought Valentina's attention back to a subject she'd completely ignored as a result of her self centeredness. It was a disease that plagued her these days.

'Are they any help?' Valentina asked.
She could read Semi's restrained expression.
'As much as they can with what little information we can give them.'
She sighed and looked up to the heavens.

'It's so hard Valentina. We don't know what we can trust them with. Nicholae says he trusts them with his life, but we don't trust him, not completely. For all we know, whatever information they gather about Osei will be reported to Nicholae or worse the entire Tchkovsky household.'
Tears welled up in Semi's eyes. Valentina felt for her, she couldn't completely understand her frustration because she'd never been in such a situation yet her heart still went out for her.

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