43. Enemies with benefits

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Lily threw the door of her little home open with a huff.
Edgar looked up from reading one of her books.
'I can't stand that demon.'
Two days after her discussion with the pest she'd held her side of the bargain and dug around for a spell for the bastard. But when she'd finally delivered, he refused to tell her what it was for or let her in on his plan.

'Well hello to you too.' He smiled at her and then popped a snack into his mouth.

'And that little kid, a spawn of the devil! He's everywhere!'
She growled slamming the door shut.
'And always with that damned dog!'
She strangled the air before her imagining Niko's tony neck between her hands.
'I guess he's a kid so he'll play everywhere and it's his house? Maybe?'

'You are not helping. They are all so damn nosy in that Manor.' She continues complaining.
'Once this is all over, I'm going to have fun destroying that family. Can you believe they still don't remember me?'

That only strengthen Lily's hatred for the vampire clan. Edgar could relate to the anger boiling up inside of her.
'I've been there for days. And not one of the recognize me or remembered her.'
Which was a good thing.

The timer dinged reminding Edgar that he had food in Lily's small convectional oven.

Lily finally gave her attention to him.
'You cooked?'

Edgar looked mortified making lily laugh.
'I did no such thing. I went to pick it up from the little shack owned by the Mexican witches.'

He pulled out the tray without protection and immediately regretted it dropping the tray on the table.
Lily burst out laughing.

'I'm glad to see my pain brings you pleasure.'

She made her way to him dropping her bag in the couch. She inspected his hands,
'Don't be such a baby, this isn't something you can't fix with a little magic.'

She blew air on his hand taking the pain from the minor burns away. Then she kissed it.
'There, the boo boo is all better now.'

He quickly erased the stupid grin on his face before she could see it then cleared his throat and stepped away.
'So are we any closer to finding out if Fauna is the killer?'
Lily uncovered the name of the witch who had gone with Nicholae to visit Ginger with ease. The hard part was getting information about the girl, she wasn't as close to the other witches and the few she was close to kept to themselves. And the bitch still hadn't returned.

'No. She hasn't been at the Manor. She's still trying to help save the mutt. And the demon swears he doesn't know who the killer is, neither does Nicholae.'

'So is the witch doing this on her own then?'

Lily shrugged. It was a possibility.
'Has anything weird happened when I was gone?'

'Nothing out of the ordinary. No weird visitors or anything like that.'

'And So it's safe to say the killer isn't on our tail just yet. We still have time.'
She grabbed an enchilada and took a bite from it. Edgar quickly caught the other end with his mouth, simultaneously kissing her and pulling it out of her mouth.

'Shit. That was hot.' He said, 'I think I burnt my tongue.'

'You couldn't have just said 'stop'' Lily mumbled.

'Kiss this booboo too. This one was your fault.'

Without giving it a second thought she did.
He quickly took the opportunity and deepened their kiss.
Oh how he'd missed her for the days she'd been gone, on her little mission.
He couldn't wait to come inside her.
Their lips broke away allowing him to nibble along her neck. Then he saw it and.
Right beneath the collar of her shirt.
A dark spot resembling two puncture wounds on her neck.

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