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(The song has nothing to do with the chapter but to be awesome!)

Ivy's POV

I start walking down to the road when Mitch texts me.

"Just finished with Ian, took a while but he's alright. He says sorry".

"Okay good, tomorrow we are going to school. Just so you know!" I text him. This way we can see if they were telling the truth or lying. We'll see!

*Next Day*

I get out of bed. It's 5:27 am. Perfect timing. Today I'm wearing a floral crop top. With a pair of shorts and a leather belt. For shoes I'm wearing a regular black toms. I put on my makeup and my beanie. I walk downstairs, turning on the lights. In the morning I want too start a daily exercise. Instead of a usual workout, I'm doing flips, tricks and rolls. So, gymnastics but less stupid looking. I want to be able to defend myself by dodging.


I'm been doing tricks since I've been up. I might as well start making breakfast more Mitch and I. Today I'm making a peanut butter beagles for us.

"Ivy how long have you been up?" Mitch groans flopping onto the couch.

"Good morning to you too! I've been up since 5:30, lazy!" I say handing him breakfast.

"Why I'm the world were you up that early?" He says eating his beagle.

"Healthy reasons". He looks at me funny.

*Arriving at School*

I get to school safe and sound. Mitch and I split up so it didn't look like we were dating. A get to me locker and see all of team crafted. Only Adam and Jerome were up front. Everybody else is backed up not wanting to start something with Mitch and I. Specially, Ian! God that was fun hurting him for once.

"Oh look at this slut!" Jerome spat at me.

"Good morning to you good sir!" I sarcastically say. Before I could get to my locker Adam punches me in the nose. Jerome goes for a punch but a duck, grabbing both of there legs and pulling them up so they fall. I walk over them and open my locker. I can see Mitch smirking in the corner of my eye. I shove my unwanted stuff in my locker. Then head to class.

*Lunch Time*

So, today Audrey and I are going to eat in the cafeteria for the first time. We walk in and there's so many people. Of course, there's no empty tables so we after to sit by the wall.

"This is so weird!" Audrey whispers to me.

"I know!" Just then team crafted rolls in all lordly like. I giggle because Mitch is really wearing a crown!

"Nice crown lordly boyfriend!" I text him. No reply.

*After school*

Audrey is coming over to our house today. The plan was that Mitch would pick us up a block down from the school. I grab the the stuff out of my locker and go meet up with Audrey.

"Hey Audrey!" I say catching up to her.

"Hi! Oh tell Mitch there's a change of plans!" She says taking me away to the parking lot.

"Why?" I ask.

"We are getting you your lip piercing" Audrey says.

"Oh thanks! I'll go and phone him be right back!" I walk away a bit and phone Mitch.

"Hello?" Mitch answers.

"Change of plans! Audrey and I are going to the mall. No ride needed we have our skateboards. Bye bye Mitch see you soon!" I hang up the phone.

"Let's get moving because Mitch wants to drive us!" I quickly say. We quickly start skating toward town. We are only 7 blocks till uptown. On the way there though, there's a downward hill. It's fun to skate down. Just not up.

"Race you down!" Audrey yells from up front. That little cheater!

The one that lost interest (a bullied by team crafted book)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora