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Ivy's POV

She's way up a head but she's going very slow. I speed up really fast passes her, not realizing. Few minuets pass and I naturally slow down. I stop and turn around and see Audrey like a speck. She's so far away!

"Hurry up grandma!" I yell at her. Laughing to myself.

*when the get to the mall*

We finally arrive at the mall. We walk in, heading to the tattoo & piercing place. We walk into the store. Walking up to the front desk.

"Hello how may I help you?" The lady asks.

*time skip*

So I got my lip pierced, Audrey got a nose ring. She payed saying, it's a gift. I get to Mitch's house, walking in to see Mitch pacing around.

"Where were you?!" Mitch angrily yells.

"At the mall like I said, a change of plans!" I say pushing him out of my way, heading upstairs.

"Where do you think your going?!" He yells.

"To the bathroom! Have a problem with that?!" I yell. He comes chasing after me. I run into the bathroom locking the door.

"Open up!" He screams. I ignore it grabbing a razed blade. I muffle the screamed words Mitch, while a slowly watch the blood come from my wrist. I cut my wrist in the words, 'I Don't Believe You!'. The words I should of used all this time. I rinse off the blood off my wrist and the razor. Putting the razor in my back pocket. I open the door looking at a pissed off Mitch. I ignore him walking into my room. I pack most of my clothes into a duffle bag. Grabbing, all of my money, phone, makeup, headphones and a sketchbook with a pencil. Caring my skateboard, I put on my sunglasses and jump out my window. I start walking away from the problem house, heading to the skate park at the school. I get there, dropping my bag and start skating. I start singing "It's All Your Fault" by p!nk.

*After Song cause I'm not wasting a chapter on lyrics of a song!*

I started crying in the middle of the song. Trying to stay strong. After I was done singing I see Adam and Jerome staring blankly at me.

"Woah" Jerome whispers. I stop skating and sit down on my board. I put my face into my knees, wrapping my arms around my legs. Crying, crying my pain, problems, troubles away at once. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Jerome sitting I front of me while Adam is beside me with his hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Adam asks.

"Like y-you care!" I stutter.

"We're sorry for what we've done! Please, I hate to see you cry! Please?" Jerome whispers putting his hand on my foot.

"M-Mitch and I have been d-dating for a while now, a-and he has s-screamed, y-yelled, hurt m-me in different ways t-twice now. A-and I've left h-him for good!" I sniffle. There faces were shocked, mixed with a sad face.

"We're so sorry Ivy! We had no idea!" Adam says rubbing my back.

"Yeah! You guys had no idea! No idea what I've been through! The pain, the abuse, the words that led my life down to hell! Just think if it was you! The one who is looked down upon! Huh?! Yeah, doesn't look so nice does it? No! No it doesn't!" I yell grabbing my stuff and skating away. Leaving them in shock. Where am I heading? Ty's house.

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