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Ivy's POV
I want on a little adventure with Audrey after what happened with Adam. We kinda, sorta, ran away to California... Considering Audrey has her license we rented a car for a month. I smashed my phone before we left Adam. Now Mitch can't track me. He doesn't have Audrey in his contacts so if I have to I can use her phone.
"Where do you want to go to first?" Audrey asks while we're stuck in traffic.
"Food?... How about a café for lunch?" I suggest.
"Sure... Looks like there's one right over there!" She points down the street. We park the car and walk in. I slowly sit down being carful of my leg. I have a hot chocolate when Audrey is having coffee. The waitress asks what would we like to eat.
"I'll have the soup of the day, please!" Audrey smiles.
"I think I'll have the pita bread and a Caesar salad please!" I reply. The lady walks away with our order.
"Where are we going to stay for a month?" Audrey worryingly asks.
"Already ahead of you! On the way here, on your phone I rented a apartment for the month" I explain. She was shocked that I was ahead of her. Our food comes and may I say it looks delicious! We finish up eating and pay our bill. I give Audrey the address to the apartment. I'm not 100% sure what it looks like but I saw it had good reviews. We arrive at the place and wow. The landlord said to knock on the apartment's door to get the key. We lock the car and go up the stairs to the apartment. We get up the 2 flights of stairs to the place. Audrey knocks on the door. We wait a second till someone opens the door. When the door opens I see a middle aged man.
"Are you ladies Ivy and Audrey?" He asks.
"Yes we are!" I reply. He passing me the keys and goes over the rules which were very simple. No police, fires and drunks coming in and out at all hours. The man leaves letting us see the apartment. It looked beautiful! I like the exposed bricks and chairs. Only thing there was only one bed but whatever.
"Sweet!" Audrey laughs walking in. I stumble in closing the door behind me. We didn't bring any clothes on the runaway. I guess we'll go shopping later.
"I love the view!" She admits. I sit down on the counter.
"Audrey can I see your phone?" I ask.
"Sure, catch!" She passes her phone over. I look and see if there was any big parties going on.
"We're going to be partying all night till the sun rises!".

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