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music: "Blank Space" by Taylor Swift. So watch out for teases!
Ivy's POV
*Next Day*
i wake up and change into a white crop top and a black high waisted skirt. i put on a lose fitting floral sweater. i brush through my hair and put on a flower crown. i slip on some simple white flats. i do my regular makeup look on my face and eyes. i check myself one last time in the mirror before going downstairs. im still pissed off about mitch so, im going to do the next best thing in this situation. kill him.
nah, i would never do that...well today. im going to forget that little bastard and finally move on! no im not going to go crawling back to him. im an independent young lady and i don't need a asshole like him! i walk downstairs and see audrey making breakfast while is on her phone.
"Morning! Want some french toast?" audrey asks.
"please!" i reply taking a seat beside clair.
"morning..." Clair mumbles scrolling through tumblr.
"are you okay? from, you know..." audrey asks handing me my breakfast.
"great! no, Wonderful! im forgetting him behind with the rest of the shit show. he tagged along. i could of showed him wonderful things. loves a game and he wanted to play. instead of winning me as the prize, he played me. ruined me, losing the game. I hate that jerk and he doesn't deserve a fine lady like me!" i say getting a bit mad. calm down... calm down... in, out. i breathe slowly and calm down. i eat my food and put the dishes in the sink.
"okay ladies! who wants to come with me to longboard uptown?" i ask.
"actually, i think i should go home. make sure nothing died! bye guys!" clair admits and walks out the door. i look over at audrey knowing she would say,
"yes! why wouldn't I?" she laughs grabbing her board. i grab mine and we walk out of the apartment. we put down our longboards and start wondering the city. i see something that scares me that i thought wouldn't happen to me. A hurricane.

The one that lost interest (a bullied by team crafted book)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora