Surviving 24

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This chapter refers to the chapter "Escaping 17".

A quick recap: Karui and Yuri were together, so you decided to walk home alone, hoping not to interfere with their relationship. In this chapter, we will soon see what happened.

When you see a line of ~~~~~ this means that we will go back in time to see what Karui and Yuri were doing/Talking about.

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I found myself buried with layers of white snow.

Asphyxiating, I reach out.

Asphyxiating, I cry out.

"Someone please save me!"

I feel guilty for pleading.

I feel guilty for wanting to survive.

Then, something wrapped its arms around my waist. They whispered something in my ear. I can barely remember, it was so faint. However, I can still recall the devilish sensation.

Her arms are freezing, but her breathing was so warm.

Almost like she was alive.




What did she say again?


I can see my voice, glaring at me behind Yuri.

With a sharp inhale, I encouraged him to start.

He seemed uncomfortable, so I smacked his back. We both had a small laugh before he spoke.


Do you know that everyone we see have a voice?

They appear on command, but sometimes when they do, you'd wish they didn't.

You see, (Y/N), I am your Voice.

I am your sin that is bearing fruits.

I am your sin that is living and dying at the same time.

However, if we all have a 'Voice', then Karui must have one too.

I wonder what her voice would look like. Is it as ugly as I am? Is it as disobeying as I am?


Does she not have one?

Ah, I feel sorry.




Hmm, why..?

'I feel sorry'?

No, not the way you think.

I just feel sorry that she cannot suffer like you and me.


Yuri glances back, only to catch a glimpse of you receding furtherer away. For a second, he thought he choked on something in his throat. However, soon he noticed that Karui has already disappeared.

Confused, he called out her name. However, this was in vain. He didn't hear a single confirmation from Karui.

He would turn around and try to catch up with you, but he remembered your expression when telling him to go with the one he loved.



His voice was also harmful, but at least it understood and obeyed him in every way possible.

Finding Karui was suddenly not a priority, but not making (Y/N) feel troubled was.

He turned around to catch up with you. He ran out of breath and even though his legs were giving in, he continued. Wishing to find you.

He remembered what you said on a day similar to this. 'Snow only remains within a mere second before it's gone forever.'


"It's like loving someone who will disappear."

Finally, as he collapsed with fatigue, he saw you. No more than a meter away, talking to yourself.

The cold and the sudden run silenced him. His gasps for air created a barrier with his own voice. As he stand up, he heard something.

It was you.

The first time he heard you speak with such vulnerability and certainty.

Within the howling snow, he could make out something.

He watched in awe at a figure stepping towards him. It was a 'thing' emerging from the back of your neck.

It was then he noticed that 'thing' was your voice. This monstrosity you described, but in his eyes, it was beautiful.

Your voice, who possessed their own desires whispered to Yuri.

"She fell in love with you."

That night, he met your voice.

Voice, help.

Voice | Yuri On Ice!! | Yuri PlisetskyWhere stories live. Discover now