Tomorrow 36

625 32 3

'I just want to give you all of my voices before I die.'


I woke up to a message on my bedside and the soft fragrance of those freshly picked roses. I reached towards the blooming bundle of flowers and watched as the letter twirled onto the floor.

I bent down to reach the delicate paper but was stopped by a silhouette above me. They dropped to their knees and picked it up. The light through the window blinded his features, all but that figure's warm voice.

I know who it is. It didn't take long for the howl of tears.

He leaned in, catching the muffling cries escaping my mouth. I felt the soft fabric of his clothes against my weeping body, along with his fragile arms creating a barrier from the world.

For a second, I felt myself drowning in his heat.

'Please let me love you.'


There was a scar on my face that he covered with love yesterday. There was a bruise on my neck that he healed yesterday.

'I told him about Logan.'

Under the scorching sun, the television buzzed. My blank stare illuminated my vision.

'Today, my plane leaves at 6pm.' It repeated, each word sewing deeper into my thoughts.
'I won't be able to see Yuri again.' The soft string of tears flowed down.

"Still crying?" A confronting voice suffocated me, "Does somewhere hurt?"

I shook my head.

"Want a hug?"

I shook my head.

"Want a kiss?"



I smacked his face with a pillow. "What the heck, stop."

"You were crying all over me yesterday." He sighed, "Don't worry. I'll sort it out when I see him today."


"Yeah, at the championship, Viktor said that that blonde sh*tbag would be there. You don't have to see him too."

"Ah, there's no need. Focus on your cha—"

"That doesn't mean that I have to keep quiet about this!"

Even a dedicated yell sent shivers down my spine. He apologized, but all I wanted was to be strangled by his voice for the rest of the day.

The delusional thoughts always runs through my mind around these times.


"What?" The silent ruffling of him moving closer towards me scratched in my ears.

"I..." My voice quivered, I turned around.


The cries in the distance awoke her within her dreams.

A wire twirled into a noose hanged alone under the bright light of solitude.

The quiet glares it sent her screeched around a lone figure.

"Halt the haughtiness."

They advanced closer towards the breaking body and shattering voice. Their fingers cracked open upon touching the lonely light. The thin fingers were bleeding with flowers, and as they reached out, they chewed into her arm.

"I'm not here to punish you."

She was enchanting

"I'm not here to scold you."

She was glowing.

"I'm here to take you with me."

She was her mother.

Voice, the never ending tomorrow.

"You'll watch me, right?"

"Let's win together. You and me."

"And end this deal."

Voice | Yuri On Ice!! | Yuri PlisetskyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora