7. You Understand Me...

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Here's an early chapter on account of Valentine's day! Here's some AkiSasu fluff. Enjoy!

I couldn't sleep the whole night. I was sleeping in the Senju compound. 


I don't mind being alone, but the fact that Hashirama Senju, Mito Uzumaki, Tsunade all lived here made me paranoid. 

The Hokage had apparently ordered Team 7 and Team 8 to clean my compound so that I could live in it. Hinata and I got away by sparring her place and so they took the opportunity to make it livable. 


"I-It c-can't be." I whispered tears in my eyes.

In front of me was a huge compound with multiple Japanese styled houses surrounding the main one. The gates were open and on the wall compound was the symbol of the Senju Clan. 

I felt myself drawn towards the houses as I walked towards the main one. As weird as it sounded, I felt an aura of sorts coming from it. 

I heard Naruto call out for me but I ignored him as I touched the wood hesitantly.

My onyx black eyes widened as a warm fluttery feeling swept through my body in waves of slight euphoria. The chakra surrounding the building felt familiar and most of all very powerful. I felt it's power thrumming through my veins.

"You seem to like your house, Akina chan." The Hokage said smoking on his pipe as he gave me a warm smile.

"It feels familiar. Like I've lived here my whole life. Most of all it feels welcoming as if it's drawing me in, a moth to it's flame. Why?"

The Hokage smiled. "This whole compound was made by your grandfather. The main building you are touching was where your grandparents resided."

I gasped. "So that's why.."

"Your grandparents were very warm and welcoming. Their chakra feels the same." I nodded as I understood.

"So will you shift in here?" asked Sasuke as he came to stand next to me.

"Yes. It gives me a homely vibe. This is the closest I can get to my family, physically." I whispered in awe. After so many years, their chakra still felt so powerful I could only imagine how powerful Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju were. 

Sakura and Naruto each put their hand on my shoulder. "We cleaned the main building dattebayo! It took us the whole day." 

"There's so many buildings left to clean." Sakura whined.

I laughed lightly. "You guys have already done so much for me, you needn't do more. I'll clean up the rest."

Everyone sighed in relief.

"Well, all your stuff is already inside. Sakura chan shifted all your belongings to your room and decorated the living room and others as such." Kakashi said. 

"Arigato" I whispered softly. 

Flashback over

The odd thing about this compound was that it was situated right next to the Uchiha compound. So basically Sasuke and I were neighbors. 

I crept out of my bed as I opened the window and took a whiff of the fresh breeze flowing. I walked all the way to the roof and sat there as I stared at the moon. 

There's so much to do... And so little time.

As I glanced around I saw a lone figure sitting on the roof of the Uchiha compound, playing with a kunai.

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