17. friendzoned? (zh)

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"oh my god, please don't tell me that's who i think it is..." i hear a voice call out from behind me.

i heard voices whisper around me as i looked to my right to see zach herron, late to my birthday party, holding a gucci bag wrapped up in tinsel.

"zach!" i said, walking over to hug him.

"careful, y/n! don't hurt gucci!" he said jokingly as he wrapped his arms around me.

"happy birthday, love," he said, handing me the bag. i stepped back from him in sarcastic shock, acting like the bag was pesticide. but once i saw zach's confused grin, i laughed and snatched the bag jokingly.

i had the biggest crush on zach, and this was proof he liked me back. who would buy someone a gucci bag as a birthday gift if they didn't have a crush on them?

"corbyn bought that for you, by the way."

never mind, someone would buy a gucci bag as a birthday gift even if they didn't have a crush on them.

"he couldn't make it, but he and christina both chipped in to buy that for you. i mean, after all, you are 19. you deserve it!" he says, putting his arm around me with a charming grin on his face.

my heart sinks into my chest. i don't wanna sound ungrateful (and trust me, i'm not! i'm gonna wear this bag every day!), but some part of me wishes zach had gotten it for me. in fact, did he get anything for me at all? has this all been a fantasy in my mind.

maybe, he doesn't like me like that...

i've never been friendzoned before, but this hurts. i've had a crush on zach since the moment i met him. i guess i have a best friend in him at least...

oh well. happy birthday to me.

zach pulls a little black velvet pouch out of his pocket, and my heart starts to flutter. he didn't forget to buy me something after all!

"now, that's from me," he says, handing me the pouch. as our hands touch, my heart skips a beat. i know he doesn't like "like" me, but still...

...i'll always have a crush on zach herron...

a silver heart locket falls out of the pouch and onto my hand. on the front, my initials are delicately ingraved into the glossy silver shining in the moonlight.

"it's beautiful, zach..."

"i know," he says, looking at me, as a smile dances on his lips.

he moves closer to me as i look deeper into his playful eyes.

sorry, what friendzone?

maybe i was wrong...my bad!

we kissed on the patio, as all doubts in my mind went away.

friendzoned? ha!

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