Chapter 19

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I was staring up at him, amazed by the physical capabilities of this man. His sweat was heavily dripping down his naked torso, and even down his forehead onto my own body. I didn't mind. I could feel him move and he slowly pulled out of me causing me to wince. I was sore.

I was sore.

He did it.

He fucked me stupid.

I was trying to form words and I was struggling. He moved to lay next to me and carefully pulled me into him his chin resting against my forehead. His chest was still heaving slightly along with mine, and I couldn't believe it.

I was sore.

No one had ever gotten me to that point and it was surprisingly welcome.

"You're going to break me one day." I croaked out, my voice gone from all the screaming. I cleared my throat and tried to speak again. "I'm actually sore."

I felt his body tense, and he moved back and looked down to me. "Are you really?"

I nodded. "It's okay though...that was so intense." I kissed the corner of his mouth.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make you sore...did I make you bleed?" He moved suddenly rolling me to my back and leaning down to look between my legs. I couldn't have stopped him if I tried. I hope there wasn't blood because then he would just feel bad for it. "It doesn't look like it." He said as he carefully examined me.

"I didn't think I was."

He leaned back and laid with me. "Was it too much?" he asked.

"I don't think so." I smiled turning to him. "My body has never been so relaxed before. Then I laughed. "I didn't realize you missed me so much."

He groaned and rolled into me throwing his arm over my waist. "You have no idea. Jimin and Jungkook would NOT stop talking about their boyfriends...I had to listen to how good they throw dick and finally Jungkook asked me about you. I told them you were a freak."

"Me a freak? You...what you just did...that is freak worthy." I laughed, surprised he thought I was worse."

"Baby the way you ride me...fuck your hips can move. I love looking up and watching because I can see all of's a gorgeous sight."

I blushed a little and when he noticed he 'bopped' me on the nose. We snuggled into each other and slowly his dick was hardening again. "Seriously?" I asked him. " really is the best sex I've ever had, but if you kill me it will end."

"Let me just play with you a little...I won't touch you down there since your sore just...let me have a little more fun. I haven't touched you in a week!"

I giggled. "I cant say no to you." His eyes met mine and I bit my lip. He moved to kiss me pulling my lip from between my teeth. His hands moved down the piece I was wearing and he pulled down the lace that hid my nipple from him. He had good fun teasing me as his lips and tongue moved around my nipple and my neck, then back and forth again. I ended up caving, and begging him to fuck me one more time to put out the fire totally.

Of course, he abliged. The rest of the weekend was fun as well going about our normal routine of laziness and adventures. We spent the next few weeks like this; hanging out, having sex, getting to know each other. We were a pretty normal couple and things were going well for both of us. Work was good, I ended up meeting Jimin who is a pervy little sweatheart. Yoongi and I caught up since I hadn't seen him in over a year, and there were several times that the 8 of us got to gether either for drinks, or dinner, or at Jimin's just to be together. We became a tight group and I had never had that before.

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