Chapter 3 -edited-

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As I start to wake up I feel something soft underneath me.

That's odd I usually fall asleep at my desk. I think to myself. Then it hit me. Everything that happened. I look at my clock, not wanting to go to school. I hear muttering from the kitchen.

"H-Hey g-guys is it o-okay if I stay here?" I half yell half speak. "OF COURSE" They yell back, together.

I get out of bed and get dressed, slowly.

"Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?" Jins voice seem to tremble. Was it just my imagination?
"I would love to!" I say happily. He smiles and tells me that he'll come by at 8:00. I nod and say goodbye.


Jin knocks on the door, I stumble to get to it but Dave is there before me. He opens the door just as I stumble, falling into Jin's arms. I blush and try to get out of his arms but instead, he holds me tighter.

"A-ah! Sorry..." He says as he lets me go, but this time I lean back in, blushing. Jin smiles, him and I say goodbye to Dave. He brings me to his car and we go to a restaurant.

-back at the restaurant-

As I watch Jin look at the menu I realise what this is. I immediately start to blush. He looks up at me and tilts his head. "Is something the matter?" He asks totally unaware of how much I like him.

I nod my head shyly. "Y-yeah!" He orders something for both of us. As we wait I decided to at least try to make small talk.

"Soo...uhhh...Do you like art?" I stutter. He looks at me surprised, but then smiles. "I adore art! I mean look at the likes of Vincent van Gogh! His ''Starry Night'' is astounding!"

He exclaimed happily. "I love Vincent van Gogh! Have you seen his sunflower painting?" I sigh."How I wish I was as good as he was."

"You paint?!" Jin looks shocked. I shyly nod my head. "Yeah, I usually draw but do occasionally paint."

He seems intrigued. "You'll have to show me sometime!" I blush, as I begin to say something, the glass window we were sitting beside shatters.

Jin jumps across the table to protect me. The figure that stands at the broken window is a male that looks about 27, with white hair and dark purple eyes.

I look at Jin, his hand has glass shards and he had long gashes on his head. "JIN!" I yell as tears begin to prick my eyes.

The figure steps through the now broken window. "Your coming with me.." The male states blankly his eyes piercing through me as holds his hand out. "WhAT tHe FuCk!!!nO!"

He growls angrily. "That was not a question." He then proceeds to try and grab me. A random person hits the male from the side, knocking him to the ground. "Call the damn police!" He yells as he holds the other male on the ground. I grab my phone and dial 911.

"Hello what's your emergency?" The voice who I presume is a women's, states calmly. "So-someone is trying t-to take me away b-but ano-another person is holding them down." I sob, pathetically. "Okay...Where are you? Is anyone hurt." She responds, though she sounds calm I can hear a slight tremble in her voice. "S-shimbashi an-and yes. M-my date was h-hurt...he tried to protect m-me. H-he's unconscious and has a large gash f-from broken g-g-glass." By now tears flooded from my eyes.

At this point all I wanted to do was go home. I pull Jin into my lap and hug him. I hear police sirens coming closer. Just as, what I assume to be, a police car pulls up the man holding down, what I think is my yander, is flung off him. He gets up and brushes himself off. "I'll be back." He smirks and disappears. I could hear the police coming into the restaurant but all my focus was on Jin.

The police were trying to get me away from Jin but I wouldn't let go. All I could think about was what would happen to Jin.

People hover around me, in the end, they ended up taking me and Jin to an ambulance.

As we drove to the hospital I cried my eyes out. The women and man that were back there with me and Jin tried several methods to calm me down, none of which worked. All I can think about I'd if Jin would die.

-at the hospital-

When we arrive, Jin's breath was getting more and more shallow. I still couldn't stop crying, tears streamed down my face. "We will have to take him to the emergency room. Okay?" A women ask polity. I nod my head but don't let go of Jin.

"You'll have to wait here." Dhe kindly says as she tries to pry my hand from his. I fall to the ground. "N-no...P-Please no...Jin p-please don't die...Please PLEASE PLEASE."

I start to beg and scream. I could hear the people around me whispering and staring at me. My breath gets fast and shallow.

Suddenly I feel Jins hand grip mine tighter. Someone picks me up and lays me beside Jin. I wrap my arms around him. Then I black out.


When I wake up I could feel something cold drip into the inside of my elbow. I turn to look at it and see an IV drip in my arm. As I groan I hear a chuckle come from the other side.

I turn my head to see Jin lying in the bed next to me. "JIN!!!YOUR OKAY!!" I could feel hot tear pricked my eyes. Jin smiles at me. "Ya, I'm fine, beautiful." I blush at the comment.

When I more closely examine Jin he had no IV drip but his head was gauzed tightly. He slowly gets up and sits on my bed. He cradles my head, softly and smiles. "H-hey I have a question. "W-will...Will you me?" He stutters.

I slowly start to nod my head and begin to smile. "Of course!!!" I watched his face change instantly from shy and nervous to confined and happy.

He takes my head into his hand and just seems to stare into my eyes for a moment. Suddenly a female that looks like 24 burst into the room.

"JIN HOW DARE YOU GET HU-Ohhh whos this." Her attitude changes as soon as she notices me.

Jin smirks. "Hey, Alice! This is Rylan and the reason I'm hurt is that I had to protect Rylan. Hi, Lulu you don't have to hide." Another female that looked about 18 steps in.

When she sees me she immediately runs to the woman called Alice. "So Rylan huh?You and Jin...I SHIP IT!" Alice yells. I jerk at the sudden loud yell. Jin chuckles and puts his hand on mine in comfort. "Rylan this is Alice we've been friends since childhood and this is Lulu Alice's little sister. Alice and i are like siblings." He smiles at her. Lulu pokes her head out from behind Alice's back.

I wave at her. She goes back to hiding behind Alice. I yawn and rub my eyes."Tired baby?" Jin asks.

I nod my head not noticing that Jin called me baby. I could see Alice freaking out at me and Jin, but, I choose to ignore it. "You should sleep you did get hit by the glass worse then I did." He smiles and caresses my face. As my eyelids grow heavy I fall asleep in Jin's arms.

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