Chapter 11

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I was curled up on that cold floor for what felt like days, knowing it was only a few hours that had passed by. My left ear finally stopped throbbing but still, no sound returned to it. The silence in that ear was almost unbearable. I finally get up my body almost too weak to support itself. I stumble to the bed.

"Oh... This is a new development, isn't it?" The voice in my head whispers to me. I grab my head trying to get the voice out. "Aww... Your no fun... you can't get me out of your head. No matter how hard you try." The voice laughs manically. I scream. "Get out!" my voice echoed against the walls of the room. "GeT OUt! gEt OuT! GET OUT!" I scream trying to get the voice to stop. "You dont have to be rude. It's not like im going to kill you or anything. Izumi might thou. I've heard he did it in hell." The voice chuckles.

I was surprised that Izumi hadn't come bursting through the door at my screaming. It was as if he used to hear his victims screaming if he had any more then me. "In hell? Like, where the devil lives?" I ask the voice. If it knew information might as well try to get it out of it, get to know the voice.

"Yup he's from hell. He's a demon." The voice tells me.

Scared as I was I asks it more questions. "Who are you? What are you? What's your name?" I ask, my voice trembling slightly. The voice laughs. "Well, I'm your mindscapes voice, to be honest, I don't know what I am and my name's Samuel." The voice called Samuel informed me."We can be friends if you want. It seems your lonely and will be for awhile while you are trapped here." Samuel offers me.

I think for a bit. "You won't leave me? You'll keep me company?" I ask, scared that this Samuel might leave me or hurt me like in my dreams where people said they won't leave me, that they'll be my friend and they backstab me, leaving me in pain of losing someone I thought was close to me, someone I had let close to my heart. "No. I won't leave you, I'll keep you company." His voice, serious. "Thank you." I whisper.

" Hey Samuel. What do you look like?" I asks, my voice small and soft. Samuel laughs. "Well, thats a big question. To be perfectly honest. I don't have an appearance, but if I did I think I would have green eyes and black hair. I would have a petite body shape. Almond eyes and an oval face shape. I would have a tattoo of a bird on right bicep." Samuel tells me. His voice wondering.

"You sound really pretty." I tell him, and I wasn't lying. I really did mean it. He sound so beautiful." Thanks kid. Actually what is your name?" He asks. "Rylan... Wait you don't know my name?!" I asked shocked.

Samuel chuckles."No I didn't, but now I do."

I roll my eyes. As I'm about to try and get some shut eye, Izumi walked in holding a holdall.

Jins pov

I run to the kitchen. "Guys! Rylan!" I could barely speak, tears running down my face.

Dave lifts his head out of Kasai's shoulder, hearing Rlyan's name. his eyes were red and puffy from the tears that leaked out of his eyes like mine. Kasai looks, hoping for information. Lily and Alice stand up upon my arrival.

"What about Rylan?" Daves voice broken. Not being able to speak I show them the picture of Rylan. Their faces horrified and upset. "Someone hurt him." My voice was more broken then Daves.

The silence deafening. I look at Alice. "Do you know anyone who could trace the phone number?" She nods her head and holds her hand out for me to give her the phone. "I- Ill contact her now."

I nod my head handing her the phone. She throws on a coat and leaves to get the phone traced.

I sit down on one of the chairs and look at the ground. My stomach growls. I hadn't eaten since the day before yesterday, breakfast. "We should eat. If we don't we won't be able to continue to search for Rylan." Kasai's voice filling the silence. I nod my head. "I'll make dinner today." Lily's high voice piercing the quiet room.

Without Rylan, there was no happiness. No laughter, no smiling. Without him, silence filled the dorm instead of the sound of voices.

Suddenly, a knock on the door. Kasai and I both walk to the door. No one went anywhere without another person. No one was ever left alone , didn't want another disappearance like Rylan. Even Kasai went with his friend to the hypermarket. When I open the door, I'm greeted with a familiar face but not a pleasant one.

Rylan's father.

I try to shut the door but Kasai stops me. "What do you want?" His voice vaguely threatening. "I want my son." He glares at me while he speaks. "No. he's not your son nor will he ever be."

Unlike Kasai's voice, my voice wasn't threatening but it was far from friendly. It is violent. As violent as a tiger ripping apart his prey.

"Rylan is my son! What are you? Some sort of boyfriend?" I angrily nod my head. "Yes. I'm his fucking boyfriend." His face becomes twisted in disgust. "WE ARE DATING. BITCH. NOW FUCKING LEAVE YOU HOMOPHOBIC PIECE OF SHIT. GO TO HELL WERE YOU BELONG." My voice now yelling at him. he laughs, evily. "You and my failure of a son are going to hell! You sick bastard! Dating the same sex is disgusting! The Bib-" The door slams in his face.

I look at Kasai. His face blank with fury. we walk to the kitchen in silence. the walk seemed to take twice as long. When we walk into the kitchen Dave and Lily are talking. They look up at me and Kasai as we enter the room. "Dave... Baby... Come here." Kasai's voice is soft.

Dave looks confused but walks up to Kasai. Kasai hugs him and mutters something to dave. I could see dave blushes but he nods his head. dave looks at me and lily. "Me and Kasai are staying at his place overnight."

Me and Lily nod as the two males leave.

-time skip-dinner-

Alice had returned just in time for dinner. We sat in almost silence. suddenly Alice specks. "The number was traced. we have a place, a guess, to were Rylan"

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