Chapter 10

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Rylan's POV


I walk down those corridors. The white walls spinning in and out of focus due to the lack of blood in my body. All I could tell was that I was being watched and protected. The tall male behind me pushes me forwards causing me to stumble,nearly falling face first onto the floor. He catches me by my arm. I yelp out in pain. My arm still healing from the recent knife wounds inflicted on it.
I was pushed into a room were I see my mommy curled up on the bed.
I remember the deal I made with the men in white coats. That if I did what they said my mommy would be safe.
I run up to her, stumbling along the way. "Mommy!" My voice small and weak. Which made sense since I was only six. She looks up at me and holds out her arms. I run up to her and hug her. Suddenly a sharp pain blooms from my stomach. I scream and look down to see a knife in my stomach. I look up at my mommy. "Mommy! It hurts!" She hushes me. "Mommy wants to be free."

-dream end-

I wake up screaming, gripping my stomach. I look down, relieved not to have a knife sticking through me. The door slams open, Izumi stands at the entrance, panting and sweating. "What happened!?" He yells, I cover my ears at the loud noise. He seemed genuinely concerned. "I- I- I had a nightmare..." I manage to whimper out. I wished Jin was here, he would calm me down.

He sighs. "What was the nightmare about?" I shake my head, not wanting to recount the pain to him. "It's too scary, master." I mutter, staring at my knees, hands on them.

-Izumis pov-

I sigh and look into his mind. I start to walk forward but am blocked by a wall. I try to break it, but only mange to scratch the surface. The wall was unusually strong and it would take hours to even crack the smallest of holes. I laugh. 'You old bastard you gave his Raziel, didn't you?' I walk around his mind for a bit and then, I see it. His nightmare, well one out of the vast collection of them. I quickly exit his mind after seeing the night terrors . 'How can he still be here?' I wonder to myself.

-Rylans pov-

My head hurts intensely and then I hear master laugh chaotically. I shrink back, scared of him and what he might do. I look up to see him scared. His voice sounded dull and dry, as if he really was scared. "I'll get you some food... Training starts tomorrow." He says as he leaves the room, his voice stiff. I stare after him in confusion. 'Training?' I think to myself. ' What training?'

He walks in, holding a plate of food. To be honest I couldn't identify what the food was but that didn't stop me from devouring it.

After I finish he pushes me down, on to the bed. "Sleep." His voice demanding. He didn't have to tell me twice as I felt like I could sleep forever.

I felt myself being nudged awake, as if a long stick was poking me. I groan and roll over, opening my eyes only to see "Master" starring at me, his face inches away from my face."Training today. I'll start easy on you." His voice excited yet still dominant.

For some reason I felt like a child, as if I was only five years old. I shake my head. "No!" My voice childlike. I wrap the blanket around my small frame hiding from him. I hear him sigh deeply.

"Rylan... Are you little or something? You didn't act this way before." His voice violently clam. I stick my head up, the blanket still around me. "Wha?" My voice still meek and childlike. He shakes his head. "Your a fucking little, great!" He seemed angry. He stands up and paces around the room.

"Wha a wittle?" My words not full but like a child would speak. He looks at me, shocked. "You don't know what a little is?" His voice shocked. I shake my head. He seemed more shocked. "Have you ever done age aggression? Before this?" He asked and I shake my head. He looks at me, angrily.

"This foils my plans! I wanted to give you the collar and the leash. I wanted to show you, train you how to act at my commands!" His voice was brutal and defining. I whine at his voice due to its loudness.

He turns his head violently fast and gives me the death glare. I shrink back into the blanket even more under his heavy stares. He clenched his teeth, holding back what I think is a scream. His eyes red and bulging, staring at me.

I look down, scared of him. Scared of him was a big understatement, I was hysterical. As my bottom lip trembled, he screams.

His scream wasn't like any I had heard before, It was low and gravely ,yet high and screachy. I cover my ears with my hands, trying my best to block out the noise. My left ear started to hurt extremely bad and I soon start to feel blood come out from my left ear. I panic.

Though I didn't go to medical school I was taught some basic biology.

My ear drum had burst. Theres absolute silence in my left ear while in my right ear I could still hear the scream piercing the air. I could feel tears coming on not only due to the pain that was increasing by the second but also Izumi screaming at me.

"STOP! P-PLEASes... Please stop!" I started to yell but my voice got quite. It seemed as if he heard me yell and stopped. I could feel him staring at me, his eyes burrowing into the top of my head. "How dare you yell at me! How dare you speak when your not spoken to!" He screams at me as he rasies his hand to strike me.

He hits my left ear, making the pain worse. His blow knocks me off the bed and onto the floor. I felt his foot on my chest, making it hard to breath. "Apologize slut! Apologize to your fucking master bitch!" His voice wasnt smooth but more gravely. "I-i'm s-sorry mast-master." I manage to croak out.

He growls at me and then takes his foot off my chest. Leaving me on the floor in pain.

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