Chapter 13

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The darkness had fully enveloped me by the time Master had come back.

I didn't move from the floor. I had given up on moving. Though the floor was cold as ice and all I had on me was the almost transparent piece of fabric and the bandages that Master had wrapped around my body.

The door slammed inwards. "Get up,bitch." His voice excited but with a hard edge. One that if anyone, that wasnt broken like me, would listen to, but my will and energy had disappeared.

I laid still on the floor. My chest rising up and down slowly. Everything was falling apart. My whole future, gone. He walks over to me. As his feet hit the ground, small dust clouds flew up.

He kicks my side. Making me slide an inch or two. I didn't move. Master growls."GET. UP. BITCH." His voice hard and demanding.

Still I do not move. Not that I refused to. My body just didn't want to. It didn't want to move an inch. I craved Jin.

He grabs my shoulder. Pulling me up from the ground. "Did you not hear me? I said. GET UP!" I jump at the loud noise. His eyes change from purple into a dark murine colour. Not that I really cared.

His face melted into a smirk.

"Guess it's time to punish you." He whispers into my left ear. "I can't hear out of that ear, Master." My voice calm, not a trace of fear or worry. "You hit me there and it started bleeding causing me to go deaf in that ear."

"As if I care." His voice dropping an octave lower. He drags my body to the bed, throwing me on it, face down. He grabs my hands roughly, pinning them over my head. "I forgot to tell you. The one thing I will not go easy on is punishment." He grabs his holdall pulling out thick chains. He ties them tightly around my wrists and then around the headboard.

He then proceeds to do the same with each of my ankles. I stay still, letting him do what he wants with me. My will gone. He gets a blindfold from his holdall, tying it tightly around my head. So that there is no way for it to fall off.

I could barely hear him walk around the room. My body tenses, as I feel him approach. He unties the fabric from around my waist and rest his hands on my ass.

Suddenly pain courses throughout my ass cheek. I yelp in surprise. He hits me again and again. Having no mercy on me. He hit me for so long that in the end I couldn't even feel it.

He stops eventually, removing the blind fold and the chains. I could see that my ass had stared bleeding in a rough hand shape ,my wrists bruised.

He ties the fabric back on , my waist begin pulled in, he grips my shoulder and almost yelling."WhY dID'nt You ScReAm?!"

"It didn't hurt, Master. I barely felt it. I barely feel anything you do to me." My voice monotoned and bored.
He was visibly angry. It didn't even bother me when he slammed my body into the ground and stormed out of the room.

I just layed there. Not moving. All I did was silently pray for it to end. For me to be back in Jin's arms. Even if he didn't love me. Even if he was using me. I just wanted to be in his arms.

Jin's pov

"You know were Rylan is!" I stand up from my seat. My hands rest on the table, the chair I had been sitting on was a good few feet behind me.

"We don't know for sure as the phone could just be a throw away or a burner. We now know where the phone is but not Rylan to be exact." Alice ticking things off her hands as if she was reading from a letter or an essay.

All lily was doing was staring at a wall. When I look over at her I notice that tears had started to leak from her tear ducts. "We could find my baby. My baby brother." She whispered. I didn't know alot about Lily but Rylan had mentioned a few things about her.


"So Rylan. How was this week?" I smile at him. He seemed to get flustered every time I did so and in a partly broken up sentence replied that he went over to his guardians house, Lily.

"She's my guardian but we're more like siblings since she's only three years older then me." I nod my head, making a mental note that he doesn't have parents, legally. Though most therapists would have a pen and note book I found my clients more relaxed when I didn't have them.

"What about your father?" I ask, hoping not to hit a nerve. He had told me about his mother last week. How some people had broken in and burned his mother almost burned him. Lucky they gave him five minutes to run. He had run like there were wolves after him.

He winced. "M-my father..." He said the words with pure hate and mence. "He abused me. I couldn't call CPS even if I knew what they were. Well his abuse was more like attempt of murder. I was only seven at the time when my mother died. Prior to her death he was always nice and friendly to me. After her death he tried to kill me multiple times. He emotionally abused me, never rasied a fist, well not in a viable place at least. He knew the school would question the bruises." He takes a deep breath and carries on. " When I was fourteen I finally managed to get CPS on my case. They sent me to Lily and I've been with her ever since."

I take in a sharp breath. I was lucky to have somewhat wealthy parents. My father worked as a lawyer and my mother took care of business at the manor that we lived in. I grew up in a wealthy family, I was never spoiled. I did chores around the house to get my wages. A euro for small jobs and five for bigger jobs.

" Jin. My fa- he's coming back." He looks at the ground, terrified. He gives me a pieces of paper with a address on it. " Me and my roommate are scared. He told me to give you our address in case he gets violent." I pat his shoulder.

"Just call me and I'll be there. I won't let him hurt you."

-flashback ends-

I look at them. "Should I call Kasai and Dave?" I ask, not sure. Both lily and Alice yell no at me. I raise my hands in the air. "Okay! Okay! Why though?" Both Lily and Alice look at each other. Giggling. I roll my eyes. "Anyway, where is  Rylan located? Supposedly?" I ask.

"The old factory down by the quarry." I nod my head. I am going to get him back. If its the last thing I do.

Plz read

The next chapter will be triggering to some people. Please if you dont like suicide or an attempt of suicide please skip to the end sign I will put in it

Suicide is NOT a joke and should never be one. If you are struggling with your mental health please reach out to someone. Heck you can even ask me.

I will do my best to help.

Look up the mental hotline for your country to talk to a professional.

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