Chapter 6

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After school, I went to the gate to see Jin standing there. I run up to Jin and hug him. He laughs and I felt my chest expand, happily."JIN!" I snuggle into his chest. He kisses my head."How was your day, babe?"He asks as we walk to his car."It was fine...Some girl threatened me tho because previously didn't want to date her so I said that I won't date anyone."I sigh.

Jin looks at me, shocked."What did she say? Did she hurt you? "Jin's worried voice startled me."It's okay! I defended myself and she backed off."I quickly explain. Jin's face relaxes slightly but is still a little strained. We get to his car and get in.
"How was your day bae?"I ask."It was fine... I guess I'm just pissed about that girl. How dare she say that to you."He gruffly replies. I put my hand on his. "Jin I said it was okay! Don't worry about it! I can handle it!" I lied. I really didn't want to worry him.

We pull up to the building and go to his room/office. He sat down and motioned me to come over to him. I walk over to him and give him a hug, tears start to prick my eyes. He rubs my back."I know its not okay, you can always talk to me. You know that. It's okay to be vulnerable to me. She hurt you and I'm just mad at her.I'm sorry if I came off rude."He whispers into my ear. I start to cry. My tears fell like a river.
Jin just continued to try and calm me. I was like a child, small and weak."I'm sorry I-I lied!"I could barely speak."Shushhhh...It's okay. I know you were trying to be strong."He whispers to me. I hug him tighter, not wanting to let him go. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to his car.
He places me in the backseat and straps me in. My eyes grow heavy like they almost always did when I cry. Instead of fighting back the sleep I give in.

-time skip-

I wake up to Jin carrying me."Wha? Where are we?"I ask, still half asleep. "Your high school dorms. Do you want me to sleep with you tonight? In case you have a nightmare again?" his deep voice asks ever so softly. I nod my head, too tired to say anything. I snuggle into his chest, stealing his body warmth.

He knocks on the door and someone opens it, most likely Dave. I hear them mumble before Jin started to move. He goes to my room and puts me in my bed. He turns around to go and ask Dave something but I grab his arm.

"Sleep with me."I whimper. I didnt want to be alone. I would feel scared and unsafe. Jin crawls next to me and holds me till I fall asleep.

When I wake up Rylan was gone. I get up and look around the room when suddenly I hear a sob come from the bathroom."Rylan?Are you okay?"I ask, concerned. I hear a muffled 'mhm'. Terrified, I try and open the door, it was locked.
"Rylan open the door."I ask calmly.I hear the water start running. After a bit Rylan opens the door. I look over his shoulder and freeze.Blood was on the floor, Rylan tries to block my view of the bathroom. "Rylan...Show me your arms." I say in a calm, firm voice. He tenses up. "Why?" he asks, his voice trembling a bit.
"You know why." I state. He lifts up one of his sleeve's to reveal the fresh and bloody cuts that went across his arm nearly to the inside of his elbow. He looks down in shame. I look at him, upset. "Rylan... Baby... Why?" My voice was full of pity and sadness. When he looks up at me tears had started to fall. I bring him close to my chest. "Rylan you have to tell me." I say sweetly with sorrow. He sobs. "I-I can't t-take it! I-It hurts i-in here." He points to his chest.

I wrap my arms around him, tears had started to prick my own eyes."I'm sorry..."He whispers to me. "It's okay just don't do it again." I tell him. He buries his head into my shoulder as I rub his back.
I bring him back to his room and start to change him into a clean clothes. He blushes but let's me."J-jin...I...I don't want to go to school today.I don't feel like I can."He sighs. "That's okay, I can't stay long I have another patient today but I'll come back later."I say. He nods his head and crawls under the bedsheets.

I walk out of the room and see Dave in the kitchen."Hey Dave!Rylan's not feeling well today so he's not going to school!So when you come home can you take care of him?"I ask. He nods his head. "Sure!What time will you be back?I have somewhere to be tonight."He explains. I check my watch."Around 6:30 give or take a few." I see him nod his head out if the corner my eye as I leave the dorm.



I get home just as Dave is ready to leave.We both say hello and bye and I tip toe to Rylan's room only to hear moans coming from inside."J-Jin! M-more!"I hear Rylan moan. I walk in to his room to see him jacking off. He notices me and stops, blushing. I walk over to him and push him down, so he's lying on his bed."You want more? I'll give you more."I smirk as I say it. He blushes and nods his head."Oh this is going to be fun" I think to myself and I passionately kiss him.

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