Chapter 8

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-Rylan's pov-

I wake up,groaning.Pain coarsed through my body, my head was the worst. When I finally open my eyes the darkness doesn't change. I panic. Was I blind?!I hear a creak and suddenly light flooded my vision, blinding me. When I could finally see again an outline of a male stood there.

Then it hit me. Everything that had happened."Hello slave! I guess I haven't properly introduced myself. My name is Izumi but you can call me Master!" He said in such a cheerful voice that made it ten times worse.

I glare at him."You are no master..." I said with pure hatred towards him. He chuckled as if it was a sick joke. He starts towards me. I try to back up but quickly realize that my wrists are chained, not giving me much freedom to move.

He grabs my chin and angles my head so that I'm forced to look him in the eyes."To you I am Master.Got it?Bitch."His voice dominant and demanding. I knew I should be scared,but the adrenaline pumping through my body made sure I wasn't. I snarl at him. His face twisted as anger radiated from him. In a spilt second, faster then I could register, I was being choked. "I am your fucking master and if you don't want to die you will respect me and call me master."

I could barely speck"Y-yes o-o-okay!" His hand tightens around my neck. "What was that!?" He growls. "M-Master! Yes M-Master!" I manage to choke out.

He lets go. My hands go to my neck, massaging it. "Good boy~" He smiles gently. "Why- Master?" I save myself,not wanting to make this monster angry. "Yes?What is it slave?" He asks in the most human voice I've heard from him ever."Why am I here? Why do you want me?" My voice cautious and careful.

He sighs."That I do not have an answer for. Your just the person I chose. Does that satisfy you?" I nod my head as he leaves , not looking back at me.
His answer , in fact, did not satisfy me. It only left me with more questions.

-Jin's POV-

A day later, and still the police didn't take this seriously.


I grab my phone, calling the police."Hello.What service do you require?" The phone operater says in a clam voice."Police!" I say quickly,worried for the safety of Rylan.
"Police. What seems to be the matter?" His voice almost bored "Someone's been kidnapped! Please get over here!" My voice sounds as if i was near to tears, and truth be told, I was. He asks me a few questions and then sends out some cops.
I hear a knock on my door. I run to open it. The cops come in and sit down."Well explain everything." He sounds calm and collected unlike me."Well...his name's Rylan Grayhood. He s 19 .
I went to work today , came home to a note stating that Rylan will never been seen again etc." My panicked voice tries to explain.

"Can you give us the note?" They ask , I nod and give it to them. Five minutes later they were laughing."You think we will believe this?What next, he's gay and you two are dating!?" My shocked face must have confirmed that indeed that was what I was going to say.One of the cops glares at me."Go to hell sinner." Then both of them stand and leave, laughing all the way.

-flashback end-

-Jin's POV-

I won't let another person be taken away from me.
As Dave reads the note his eyes widen, he gives the note to the female who I guess is Lily. Dave turns and starts to cry on Kasai shoulder, it seems I wasn't the only one that couldn't bare it.

I look over at Lily. She had dropped the note and was crying on her knees."The police think it's a joke. They are homophobic pieces of shit. We have to find him on our own." I say with as much confidence as I could muster, which wasnt much, it came out more of a sob. Dave looks shocked at my statement. That was it,I couldn't take it. I fell to the ground,crying. "MY BABY IS GONE." I scream tears rolling down my face.

-a few days later-Rylans POV-

I don't know how long I was in that dark room before he returned. This time he had an almost see through piece of fabric.
"Get up bitch". He growls. He usually switched between slave, bitch and lover. All of which I hated. And then a rare time he would call me by name .I would quickly stand up. He roughly grabbed my clothes collar, tearing the fabric.

"Undress...NOW". He yells. I shrink back, scared of the sudden loud noise."NOW BITCH!" He yells louder then before. I obey him, scared of what he might do if I didn't. I slowly start to strip. I hesitate at my pants. He growls at the hesitation. I slowly unbuttoned the pants and stand in my boxers. He grabs my waist, pulling me close to him. I try to pull back, not wanting to be close to him. He didn't let me move instead tightens his grip. I whimper as he pulls down my boxers. I wasn't naked for long as he wrapped the fabric that was in his hands around my waist. "Tomorrow Im setting rules down, and if you don't follow them you will punished." He growls as he pushes me to the make shift bed and leaves.

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