Chapter 9

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-Rylans POV-next day-

I wake up, shivering from the cold. I turn to hug Jin, only to reach into an empty space. Remembering soon after that I was alone. I curl up, not wanting to be without Jin. I hear the door open, I curl up tighter.

I hated him for taking me away from Jin. "Lover~Get up." At least he was in a good mood today. I don't move, acting as if Im still asleep. I hear him sigh and move closer to the bed. He walks over and starts to shake me gently and then more violently.
I groan creaking open my eyes. When he sees my eyes open he leans down, closer to my face. I pull away from it. He growls and grabs me by shoulder. I shrink back as he bares his teeth. "Bitch! Do as I fucking say!" He yells. 'Great I managed to piss him off!' I think to myself. I stand up, slowly.

Then I notice that he has a collar in his hand. I reach up to my neck, he notices and smirks. "I see you noticed. This is a slave collar. It means that when we go in public other dominants won't touch you, much less look your way once they see it. They'll know your mine." He purrs.

I stare."I'm not yours..." I whisper. His smirk turns into a snarl. "I guess it's time to set rules down.1. After every sentence you will call me master. 2. You do what I say as soon as I say it. 3. You will not talk back 4. No fighting back. And most importantly 5. No talking about Jin." He says, dominance clear in his voice.

I stay quiet, unsure of what to say. He grabs me by the garment and roughly puts on the collar. I whine, not wanting it. His eyes seem to go pure black.

Even the whites of his eyes. He grabs me by the neck and slams me into the wall. I yelp as a sudden pain imites from my neck. He leans into my face, snarling. "Get off me" I grunt. Suddenly, he starts choking me.
I scratch at his hand. Begging him to let go but to no avail. Black dots swarm my vision."P-lease." My voice weak and horse. He lets go of me and I fall to the ground, gasping for air.

I look up, terrified. His face seemed agitated, as if he was going to kill me. He storms out of the room, steam literally coming off of his flesh.

I could feel tears well up in my eyes. I hold them back, trying to be strong. Jin was the only thing on my mind. The only thing keeping me strong, the one I need to be strong for. I shake my head, banishing the tears away.

I will be strong, for him.

"You'll break soon enough, soon you will obey him like it was your first instinct"

Jin's Pov

I pace around the kitchen, the bags under my eyes growing more prominent with each sleepless night worrying about Rylan. Alice looks at me pacing.
"Jin... It's going to be okay... Don't worry we'll find him before anything happens... I promise." She softly says. I look at her and go to sit beside her, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but I hold them back.

I look at the time. 'Dave should be back soon from school.' Just as I think to myself he walks in, tired and upset. He looks at me. I could see the pain in his eyes. I start to say something but words just won't come out.

"I told the teachers and the principal... They called the police immediately... The police came and believed them and now they're going to help us." I hear Dave quietly mutter under his breath, but loud enough for us to hear. I look over at Alice." You don't have to be here. You know. You can go home if you want." My dry and creaked voice says. She looks at me in shock as if I gave her bad news but soon composes herself. "I know... But Lulu liked Rylan and I also don't like seeing you in this much pain... I want to help you...please."

I go over to hug her, tears prick my eyes. "Thank you," I mutter into her shoulder. I pull back and face Dave. "Kasai is gone to get food. He'll be back soon." And just as I say that he comes through the door holding three grocery bags in both hands.

Dave smiles weakly at Kasai. He returns the smile. Dave walks over and hugs him, dropping his head into Kasai's chest. Kasai kisses the top of his head and then puts the groceries on the countertop. After that he looks over at me, pain immediately filled his eyes as if he could feel the pain I did. The pain of losing the one closest to you. I try to smile at him. But my lips didn't budge from the sad and solemn expression it had.

"I'll be back in a few," I mutter to them as I get up and go to Rylan's room. I fall onto his bed and his scent engulfs me. I bury my head into his blanket as tears prick my eyes.

I get out my phone, looking through the texts me and Rylan had sent each other. Suddenly I get a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: hello Jin

Jin: Hello? Sorry, but who are you?

Unknown: for now, that is none of your concern but I heard a certain someone was stolen from you?

Jin: Yes... My boyfriend... Are you going to help?

Unknown: no but I do have an image of him... Do you want to see it?

Jin: yes!

unknown: *image attachment*

I click the link and my face filled with despair.

It was Rylan, crying.

Jin: Rylan! What have you done to him!? Tell me!

Unknown: nothing...yet... goodbye for now Jin...

Jin: NO! WAIT!

unknown: *read at 06:00*

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