Chapter 15

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Rylan's POV

I was huddled up on the bed. My naked body shivered at the none existent draft. My soft sobs echoed the room.

Why was life so horrible to me. Not only did my mother die in a fire, my biological father abused me.

I nearly died by his abuse.

I had wanted to kill myself so many damn times under his care. So many times.

The tears falling out of my eyes were warm unlike me. My eyes started to grow heavier and heavier. My mind starting to drift off through my sobs.


I wake up to Jin holding me in his arms. He face was resting peacefully next to a cat that was lying inbetween us. "Jin?" Tears well up in my eyes. "JIN!"

I hug him. His eyes open and suddenly his face morphs into Masters. "Yes baby?"

My body became paralyzed. I try to scream. Try to get away. The tears in my eyes were of joy no more. They were of fear. Of terror.

It was as if there was no way to escape him. He was everywhere. Even the pillows had his face on them.

"Why are you crying Rylan?" It wasnt fair. It was Jin's voice on that monsters face. I want to die.

Suddenly the dream morphed.

I was back in the cell, Master was there. The only difference was that it was Jin. Not master.

Master was sitting in the corner of the room drinking what looked to be wine.

"J-Jin?" My small voice whispered. "Why are you here?" Jin turns to look at me. But unlike the Jin I knew this one was not soft.

"What was that slut." His voice was angry and had a hard edge to it.

"How many times do I need to beat it into you?" His voice taunting and hard. "I guess the last punishment wasnt enough. Was it?"

He held a paddle in his hands. As he approaches me I could see Master get up. "Jin. Haven't you spanked him enough today? Maybe you should try something else? I have a couple of knives." His  eyes wanting me to be in more pain.

"Get them." Jins voice was dark and echoed the room, which was silent for but me. I was sobbing violently.

When Jin noticed he gently stroked my cheek. "Stop crying. It messes up your pretty face, slut."

Master walks in holding a few different knives. Jin takes them from him.

"If you try to run like the last time you did. We will fuck you senseless. Punishment will not be as light as you think. Not as gentle as last time." Jin whispers into my ear.

The rope that held me chained to the table were sliced and I was put on the floor.

I didn't move a muscle. Terrified. He pushes me back onto the table and ties my wrists and ankles to the posts.

A sharp pain went through my back.

~dream end~

I wake up to feel my tears streaming down my eyes. Just the thought of Jin doing that to me was painful.  

He would never do that. Would he? This place was making me go insane. Making me question the love of my life.

I was crying. The dream was killing me. He doesn't care. Does he? He's not looking for me.
It was as if every emotion in my body shut down. I didn't feel anything. Not fear. Not terror. Not even sadness.

I sat up. Tears started drying on my face. As I look darkly in the corner of the room Master walks in.
He stops as soon as he see me. "Rylan?" He was confused.  "Yes Master?" My voice robotic.

He smiled, maliciously. "Knees. Now." I obey. Going down on my knees. Not making eye contact.

"Good boy." He praises me. "Now. Stand up and turn around. I do as he says.

His hands rested on my hips. He leans his face next to my ear. "Is this the ear that I hurt." I nod my head.

"Yes, Master. " I roboticly respond.

He picks me up, bridal style and holds me to his chest. My body leaned into his, stealing his warmth.

"Good boy. If you keep this up I might let you see outside." He lifts my chin making me look into his eyes. He leans in and kisses my cheek. Smiling.

My face stays neutral. Not even a blush at being touched. "Time to get you dressed. Since your being a good boy I will let you have more clothes this time."

I nod. He brings me out of the room to reveal a dark corridor.  He brings me to a room which I can only assume is his room.

The bed was Victorian styled. The frame a dark wood and the bed sheet a deep shade of red.

He goes in what looks to be a walk in closet  and comes out with a small bundle of clothes.
He hands the them to me and tells me to get dressed.

I obey and get dressed in the clothing. My body moving roboticly.

He had given me a transparent top and some boxers. The top hung loosely around my body as it was to big.

"Sit." He commands. I obey straight away. He opens a drawer that was beside his bed and takes out a black leather collar with a small metal heart in it.

"Good boy." He praises as he slips on the cold neck piece. "Now if anyone seesn you they'll know your mine." I hear him lock it onto my neck. Literally.

"My sweet sweet puppy. I broke you. Well actually you broke yourself.  The first of your kind." He speaks as he sits me on his lap and starts to nibble at my neck.

I sit there, limply. Tilting my neck every so often when he wished to get more of my neck.

I knew his bites would leave marks. I didn't care. There was nothing to care about. That last bit of hope I had left was gone. Gone as soon as that dream had appeared.

Jin was- no. Jin didn't exist.  Only Master did. He was the only thing that was keeping me from going completely insane.
But it wasnt good. Master wasnt good. He was bad. He was making me think all these things. He was making me lost.

My head started to pound. I said nothing. My vision went black at every pound. I grab the fabric on Master leg.

He stops kissing my neck and looks at me. My other hand went to my head and started gripping my hair. The pounding was hurting me. It wasnt just soft pounds anymore. It was as if someone was shooting me in the head every few seconds.

"Puppy?" His voice was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

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