Calm before storm

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He woke up to the faint light on his eyes and a jolt of pain immediately took over his body.

"I will kill that bastard" he muttered in his half sleep as flashes of Rajveer showering him blows overpowered his mind and there was the faint memory of her safe and soft arms. He shot open his eyes only to meet the eyes of one person he liked to stay away from the most. 

"Where is Zoya? Where is she?" He yelled ignoring his physical pain.

'Relax Cheeku let her rest, I know you don't trust me but you trust Arjun right? She is being looked after by him.' 

"What do you want Mr Hooda and what am I doing at your house?" He tried to wake from the bed for he had to find her and head home.

'This is also your home Cheeku you are the elder son of this family'

"Don't start Mr. Hooda let's come to the point, I know you want me to brief you regarding my condition, as you guessed it right yes it was Rajveer."

'That rascal I will hunt him down.' Harshvardhan Hooda had his fist clenched as he looked at the bruised condition of his son.

"You should have thought about all this when you betrayed his father Mr Hooda but of course betrayal and you go hand in hand." Aditya smirked while trying to get up again.

'I did nothing to his father Aditya and think before calling me a liar' Harshvardhan said in a firm tone.

'Your mother...' 

"That's enough Mr. Hooda, the good thing from all this chaos is that we know Rajveer is in town and the next move will be ours." Aditya said while wearing his shirt.

'I know Adi that bloody leech is hell bent on proving us Hooda's as murderers. We need to crush him but have to do it cautiously for our reputation is at stake.' 

"Mr. Hooda Pooja my ex wife cheated on me and I will hate her till eternity for that. But she was my childhood best friend and I will not spare anyone who is slightly involved in her car accident." Aditya's tone was dark with warning.

"Now if you will excuse me I need to see her," Aditya managed to get out of the bed.

'Do you trust her Adi?' His father's voice made his limping step halt at the door.

'Do you trust this father daughter duo? I am a lawyer Adi, a fairly good one Wasim and his daughter are not as innocent as you think.' Aditya closed his eyes, years passed but his father's patronising tone never diminished even for once. 

'How could an aspiring surgeon agree to marry her husband's lovers husband so easily? She is Dr. Wasim Siddiqui's daughter, my dear son, these people too have skeletons in their closets.'

"Don't worry about me Me. Hooda I have nothing in me that she can break any further. She married me because she too wants to end this Rajveer fiasco for her father's reputation is at stake." Harshvardhan could not miss his son's clenched jaws.

' and why did you marry her Adi?' He couldn't help but question.

"I am done Mr. Hooda, now of you will excuse me" Adi opened the door of the room.

'Now if I excuse you what will you do Adi? Go limping to her soft arms begging for atleast if nothing else her kindness? Just look at yourself, you can barely walk on your own and you want to run to her.'

"That's it Mr. Hooda" Adi roared. 

"I am no more that little boy your mother tormented with her bitter words. No one will be able to play with my mind anymore."

Aditya's voice was dangerously low and eyes fiery with wrath.

"I am leaving right away and thank you for the rescue Mr. Hooda will repay it back to you just like all your other favours." 

Harshvardhan heard his elder son calling out his younger son's name and smiled to himself that although they were half brothers Aditya and Arjun could never stay apart from each other. Harshvardhan knew that the mistakes of his past had irrevocably damaged his elder son but his younger boy Arjun was the bridge between this wide and dark gap. 

"Arjun" his voice echoed through the big hall, memories of his bitter childhood flooded his mind, these walls had witnessed his trauma of an unwanted little boy. He also remembered Pooja entering the mansion as his bride, all smiling faces hoping that past scars had finally healed.

Aditya dragged his body for the strong medication had drugged his senses yet with faltering steps he desperately wanted to reach her and time and again he called out his little brother who would eventually lead him to her.

Strong arms got hold of his unstable body, he knew it was his brother so he leaned a little.

'Bhai you need to rest a little, bhabi has fallen asleep just now' Arjun guided him to her room, Zoya was resting her head on the pillow while Anjana was tending her forehead. 

Their eyes met and a chill ran down her spine, his body was still bruised everything could be seen from that unbuttoned black shirt his hair a mess, unshaven rugged face as he advanced towards her ignoring everyone in the room. Without breaking the eyelock he leaned a little, his cold fingers clasped her wrist and pulled her gently but firmly.

"Let's get you out of here must be tired of everything, you need some rest." 

Zoya was shocked when she felt her body leaving the bed and she had to encircle her arms around his neck lest she falls. 

"Aditya put me down"  she gritted her teeth in a warning tone.

'Ahemm' both of them heard Arjun clearing his throat as a warning.

"Arjun can't your bhabi walk, or is she too fragile that she will wither away of her feet touches the ground." 

Aditya froze on hearing the cold voice of his distant past.

To be continued 😃 Plot will reveal from now onwards.

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