Chapter 28

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I cursed softly under my breath as I rubbed my knees, aching from yet another clumsy stumble up the steps. Falling upward had to be one of the most frustrating habits I possessed. I mean, who falls up steps? Me.

"What are y'doin'?" Mason's voice sounded from behind me, and I shook my head at his impeccable timing, revealing my clumsiness. He always seemed to catch me in my most awkward moments.

"I was testing gravity. It definitely works," I replied, grimacing while tenderly rubbing my already bruised knees. Mason's smooth laughter escaped his perfect mouth, filling the air around us.

"You're such a nuff nuff. I love it," he said, reaching out to pull me up. I mustered a tight-lipped smile, slightly annoyed at myself for how effortlessly he could make me feel tingly inside with just a few words.

We walked together through the lounge room and ventured into the kitchen to prepare some food. I gathered the ingredients for a salad wrap, while Mason reheated leftover pizza from the fridge. Glancing over at him tossing the pizza slices into the frying pan, I couldn't help but be captivated by his smile. It had a way of melting my thoughts and emotions, turning them into a molten mess on the floor. In that moment, I might as well have been sizzling in the pan alongside his pizza.

"What are you doin' today, beautiful?" Mason asked, deftly flipping the pizza.

"I was just gonna...clean, maybe read. I have no idea where Lexi is today. She's not even answering her phone," I replied between bites.

"Yeah, Zach and Lexi are at the sex store," he said nonchalantly. I choked on my food, feeling an immediate flush of crimson creep up my face. Mason chuckled.

"The sex store? Oh my God!" I whispered under my breath, utterly flustered.

"Does that make you horny, baby?" Mason inquired, his voice slipping into a spot-on Austin Powers impression. I blamed Lexi for introducing me to that movie over the summer. I had covered my eyes for the majority of it, utterly horrified.

"Oh Lord, help me," I muttered, shielding my face at the mere thought of the movie.

"Does sex embarrass you?" Mason grinned mischievously. I shook my head, then nodded, then shook it again, feeling utterly uncertain.

"I dunno, I guess. Growing up, I never really knew about sex, so it feels strange to hear...about that," I admitted, glancing down at my food, suddenly losing my appetite. The topic of sex always made me uncomfortable, but the sensations that stirred within me whenever Mason was near, the way my body responded to his touch, felt like a betrayal. My own body was betraying me. I had never desired sex until I met Mason.

"So, dildos and butt plugs make you nervous?" He fought back laughter, observing my reaction to his question. I squealed, covering my ears in response.

"Don't worry, they're just out for a date day at the movies. I was kidding," he reassured, coming over to playfully nudge my shoulder. Mason knew exactly how to push my buttons, the cheeky devil. He knew how to make me squirm.

We ate our meal in a comfortable silence, though I could feel Mason's gaze on me with every bite I took. I tried my best to divert my eyes from him, not wanting to indulge in the attraction that threatened to consume me. The last thing he needed was an ego boost. But damn, he looked extra hot today, dressed in his ripped jeans and that clingy blue t-shirt that accentuated every muscle in his upper body.

"You coming?" Mason jingled his keys, interrupting my thoughts as I washed my plate.

"Where are you going?" I asked, curious.

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