Chapter 17: Isabella's P.O.V

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"Isabelle! Get up! Isabella!" Someone was shaking my shoulders.

I sat up and opened my eyes. "What?" I asked groggily.

"We need to go, quickly! We're being attacked!" Leo picked me up and carried me out the room.

We're being attacked?! Fuck, this isn't good. Duh. Now isn't the time to be having conversations with myself!

He ran through the halls till he reached the basement. He was about to open the door.

"Move and I'll shoot."

I gulped.

"Turn around."

Leo obeyed, slowly turning around.

"Put the girl down." The man said.
Leo put me down. Dad, Mason, Joseph, John and others were pushed into the room, held back by the attackers.

The man laughed. "The Red Lions at my feet. How wonderful."

"Leo, get in basement, take Isabella." Dad ordered.

"Shut him up." The man snapped.

"Take me, leave my kids alone. I beg you." Dad pleaded.

The man smiled evilly. He stalked over to me and Leo. Leo stood protectively in front of me. The man shoved him violently out the way and some of his men held Leo back.

"So beautiful." He put his hand to my cheek and stroked it. I turned away.

"Touch her and I'll kill you!!" Dad yelled.

The man laughed again. "Kill me? How?" He opened his arms out wide. "I have you all under my control. What are you going to do?"

He turned back to me. "You're coming with me." He whispered in my ear. I growled under my breath.

"Like hell I am." I snapped back before kicking him in the balls.

He yelled and bent over. Before I could do anything else, I felt hands go around my arms and drag me back. I screamed and kicked and cried, trying desperately to get away.

But they were too strong.

The man stood up. He came over to me and ripped me out of the men's arms. He held a tight grip on my upper arm. "Take them into that basement and lock it. It'll take them a while to get out." He nodded towards my family.

"Can't we just kill 'em?" Someone asked.

"If I wanted to kill them, wouldn't I have done that already?"

"Yes sir."

"Then move it!!" He yelled and dragged me away.

My eyes were blurry, filled with tears. I saw my family being dragged away, shoved into the basement. They were helpless. And it killed them. I tried screaming. Kicking. Hitting. Nothing would work.

My body fell limp. I collapsed into the man. He groaned and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

Everything went black.

I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. And then I remembered. I struggled to get away, but my hands were chained behind the chair I was sitting on. Another chain was tight around my waist and another around my ankles.

I was stuck.

I screamed again and again. Desperately trying to get someone's attention. I heard the door open. The man walked in.

"What did you do to my family?!" I yelled.

"Now now, that's no way to talk to me." He scolded.

"Where am I?! What do you want with me? Let me go!" I screamed in his face as he bent down to my level.

I felt a sharp pain to my cheek and it stared to warm up. I flinched. "You just slapped me." I said through gritted teeth.

"And I'll do it again if you keep misbehaving." He threatened. I narrowed my eyes at him, deepening my glare. "Do you know who I am?"

"Peppa Pig." I stated.

"If you disrespect me again-" He began.

"Chill Peppa Pig." I interrupted.

He stood up. "My name is-"

"Peppa Pig, I know." I answered.

Suddenly, I felt the chains around my waist tighten. I screamed out in agony as they sucked the breath out of me.

The man grabbed my face and turned me to face him. "Do I have to gag you?!" He growled. I shook my head. "Good." The chains released and I breathed again.

"My name is Daniel Bandasso." I snickered slightly at the mention of 'ass'. I know, I'm immature. He glared at me. "I am the leader of The Flames." I choked.

"T- The Flames?" I stuttered. Daniel smirked.

"Heard of them?" He asked. I glared at him, and nodded slightly. "I need words, sweetheart."

He wants words? He's gonna get them.

"You killed my mother, Peppa Pig!" I burst into tears. "You fucking prick! You asshole! You dickhead! You cun-"

"SILENCE!!" He brought another hand sharply across my face. I winced. "She got in the way, that's all."

"That's all? She's fucking dead thanks to you!!" I continued yelling at him while he took a gag out his pocket and put it round my mouth.


"That's better." He smiled. He took a chair from the corner of the room and sat in front of my helpless body. "Me and you are going to have a little chat. You are going to answer my questions by nodding or shaking your head."

I continued to glare at him.
"Are you 15?"
I nodded.
"Are you still going to school?"
I nodded.
"Are you a part of The Red Lions?"
I shook my head.
"Is your brother still in hospital?"
I froze.
"Yes, I know about that. I was the one who shot him after all."
I struggled in my chains. I so desperately wanted to strangle him!
"Is he still in hospital?" He repeated.
I didn't answer.
"Is. Felix. Still in. Hospital."
I didn't move.
"Is Felix still in the bloody hospital?!"

I didn't show any signs of being scared. I know what he wanted. The hospital was most likely unguarded or lightly guarded. He was going to attack. So I simply didn't answer.

The chains around my waist tightened again. The air was sucked out of me and I let out a small whimper as the gag fell of my mouth.
"Aw, is that painful?" He asked sweetly. "It'll get worse if you don't answer me."

I refused to answer. The chains got tighter. And tighter. And tighter.

"No!" I lied, letting out my last breath. I felt the chains loosen and I breathed heavily, trying to catch my breath.

"No?" Daniel repeated.

"He's abroad." I answered.


"I don't know, they wouldn't tell me where he was going. Just that he would be away for a while."

I couldn't help Dad and the others. I had to at least help Felix.

He glared at me for a little while. "Liar!" He yelled suddenly.

"I'm not! I promise! Just please, don't hurt me anymore." I begged.

"Sir. You are needed." Someone came into the room.

"We will finish this later." Daniel growled before getting up and leaving the room.

Leaving me in darkness.


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- K

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