Chapter 15

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Woods has planned another fun thing to do while in Brussels. His idea is a lovely, calming walk through Parc de Laeken. This place is so beautiful. I can't believe I got the opportunity to travel such a place. It looks like a place out of a fairytale. That's how unreal it looks. There's gardens and plenty of flora and fauna. I take way too many pictures and short clips.

We walk all throughout the park. We take our sweet time, taking in the scenery. After visiting the park, we leave and go to the various museums all throughout Brussels.
"You have no idea how hard I've had to work to get us here. I worked day and night, churning our videos to get that sweet, sweet ad money." Woods said.
"Woods, I'd do anything to pay you back. Maybe, I'll take you to the Philippines. I've got some family there you'd probably get along with." I said.
"Oh, you don't have to, but that'd be amazing." Woods said.
"This trip is so expensive that I don't think we can travel for a while." I said.
"Yeah. . . It hurt to see the final receipt of this trip." Woods said, "As soon as we get back home, we get back home, we won't stop working, just to get paid back those thousands of dollars."
"Okay, enough of this boring money talk, let's talk the rest of this trip." I said.
"Go for it." Woods said.
"I cannot wait to get to Germany. I took German in high school and studied it on my own as well when I graduated." I said.
"Aw, nice." Woods said.

We go back to our hostel for the rest of the night. I cuddle close to Woods. I could be more in love with him than I am right now. A couple days later, our week in Brussels has ended. It's time to move on. All this traveling is bound to catch up to me at some point, but since we take one-day breaks in between, I'm feeling pretty good.

*Two Weeks Later*
We landed in the great land of Denmark. Aw, Amsterdam. I want to go see that infamous bench from The Fault in Our Stars. That would be really cool. We take a day to get reconfigured and recover from the flight. I planned out our trip for Amsterdam. First stop: the bench from the Fault in Our Stars. Second: Anne Frank House museum. That morning, bright and early, we walk to the bench. It took a while to find it, but then we did. I read the many quotes written on it.

I ask Woods if we could reenact the scene from the movie. He rolls his eyes, but goes along with it. We talk through the entire scene and now I feel better. Now, onto the Anne Frank house. We get a taxi to the house. I look at all the pictures from the tragedy that was WW2. The tour guide leads us upstairs to the Frank Family hiding place. It's beautiful up here. It's historic and amazing. Everything about this place makes it feel like I'm back during war times with Anne. Woods and I share a kiss and everyone around us applauds us.
"Feel special?" Woods asked.
"Very, you make me feel like the most important girl in the world." I said.
"Good, now let's run away and take over the world together." Woods said.
"That's the most poetic thing I've heard you say in forever." I said.
"What can I say? I'm quite the poet when I'm in the mood." Woods said.

We move on from the house to a nice, yet affordable restaurant. A candle is lit between us. Woods and I clink our glasses together. I enjoy a nice steak. I slice into that bad boy and chomp down on it like an animal.
"I think that's partially why I love you." Woods says laughing.
I giggle too. I swallow the steak. "I love you for more than just your talent and luscious hair."
"Oh, trust me. I know." Woods said.

Finishing dinner, we go to our hostel. To celebrate our eventful day in Amsterdam, and to many more, Woods and I had the most fun. We slept together. For some reason, tonight felt extra special. It wasn't because we were in a land far from home, but because Woods was taking care and being gentle, which is not like him. I wonder what changed. What clicked in his brain that made him realize that he truly needs to take care of me, and hold onto me as long as possible?

I wake up that next morning. I do my normal morning routine, then go back into the bedroom.
"You were gentle last night. . . You're usually way rougher than that." I said.
"If you're wondering why it's because I didn't want anything to happen. You're the light in my life. You mean everything to mean. I didn't want to hurt you." Woods said.
"Ha, if you think that hurts, you're wrong." I said.
"I just didn't want you to get pregnant." Woods said.
Oh, that's what he's worried about. That's a good thing to worry about, but not that big of a deal. I take my birth control on time, and he wore protection.
"I take my birth control. You wore protection. You literally have nothing to worry about." I assured him.
"Nothing is 100% when it comes to contraceptives though." Woods said.
I crawl on top of him and kiss him to shut him up,
"Woods, shut up. If anything ends up happening, I will take care of that child. Every kid deserves life." I said.
"Yeah, but what if-" Woods said, I stop him there.
"No what if's. A child is a child, no matter what. To kill it would kill something inside of me." I said.
"Okay, fine. I'll stop talking about it." Woods said.
"Good. Now, let's figure out what we're gonna do the rest of the week." I said.
Woods nods his head.

I love that Woods worries that much, but he has to realize that as long as we're careful, nothing's wrong is going to happen. He's done a great job of doing just that. When the time comes, we'll make sure to be ready. I hope we'll be married by then. I don't want to be pregnant and unmarried, that's just not my ideal. After having the discussion, it actually made me think. What's bound to happen in the future is up to God, after all.

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