Tick Tock Croc (Hook x Crocodile Human Hybrid)

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This oneshot was requested by none other than @NeonFoxSP. This was so much fun to write so I hope you enjoy it and everyone else!!!

Crocodile Human Reader POV

Tick tock. Tick tick. Tick tick. Tock tick.

My broken watch clicks back and forth. It's hour hand in spasm while the shattered glass cuts into my scaled hands, I did not feel a thing.

My mother, a simple human woman who fell in love with a male crocodile human. Our world of fantasy was full of hatred for my fathers kind, so my scales were constantly covered with long sleeves, long trousers and high necked shirts. Yet, out of his hell bent way to protect us, I had inherited this watch. Broken and useless.

Green scales decorated the sides of my legs, my arms my neck, all of my torso... basically every inch of me was covered except my palms, feet and face. Joyous.

I fired the ticking watch at the far wall of a tavern. Here I was, hiding in an alley while drunken shouts roar from inside the tavern. I had been kicked out. The term, 'Whore Hybrid' following me out of the slammed door. Still, I was used to it. So with a deep breath I pushed off of the wall and strutted towards the docks. Perhaps a swim would calm my jumping nerves. I had the ability to have a crocodiles tail, their ability to stay under water and of course, the claws. But I was able to keep them hidden. Thanks to the magic of Neverland. Staring up at the moon with my arms folded across me to keep out the chill I walked to the edge of a dock. Sitting at the edge and swinging my legs over the tip, allowing my Non-scaly feet to skim the water.

Currently, I was dressed in a black cloak, the hood down but my long sleeves and tight leggings covering every part of these scales. And gloves. Because the top of my hands did not escape this curse. The sparkling stars above the only friend that didn't judge my body, or the creatures of the sea. At least the ones that didn't fear me. But alas, my silence and utter peace was disturbed by the clicking of polished boots on the dock behind me. I didn't turn, probably someone to come and push me into the river. Who knew.

But instead a powerful male presence overflowed my senses. A flash of a red flowing cloak and raven locks swept into my peripheral vision. I didn't turn, instead my breathing stilled as the male but his head in his hands... well one of them. His left wrist proudly protruding a gleaming Iron hook. It did not register with me who this male was.

"Aye... glorious night isn't it?" A thick accent I couldn't quite place turned it's attention to me. My breathing ceased as I met the russet eyes heavy lined with black kohl. Obsidian eyebrows and a sleek moustache. My eyes trailed down his bare, scarred chiseled abdomen and to the necklaces wrapped around a lean neck. A pirates hat, with a fluffy white feather decorating the rouge tone of his head wear. It declared his rank loud and clear.


I turned back to the night sky and nodded solemnly. "Indeed it is, sir" My voice low and respectful. A hybrid like me... speaking with a human captain.

I must be wishing for a death sentence.

He chuckles low and deep. It mesmerized me as he leaned forward, his face tilted towards mine. "Come now pearl, what is with these formalities?" His voice was rough like the barnacles that coated ships in the harbour. "Your a Captain, you deserve respect" I murmured clasping my gloves hands in my lap. He shook his head with a smirk on his lips. "You flatter me pearl. Call me Hook, James Hook." He turned his bare chest and body straight towards me and held out his hand. "But you may call me James madam." His flattery made my heart beat fast as I looked a breath I forgot I was holding. I clasped his hand in a firm shake. "You May call me Y/N... James..." he smiled something lighting in his eyes as he nods. "Y/N" he rolled the name around his mouth resting each vowel, as if this was a magical language long forgotten. "What a beautiful name, pearl" This nickname pearl becoming not agitating but... I'm not sure what it was that I currently felt.

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