Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


After sliding down the pole and finishing my dance I picked up all my money off the stage. I then went to the dressing room and counted nine hundred dollars. I was pissed because this was the lowest I ever made. But I got jumped the other day and I was very sore today. Nothing about my life was good. I was born in a small village in Africa and the living conditions were so poor and bad. My parents put me on a boat with other pregnant women and small children to leave the village and we ended up in America. I ended up being deported and was held in prison for three years before I went back to my country. My parents sent me back to the U.S. again and to live with a family. They were so abusive mentally, physically, and emotionally. I ran away at twelve and taught myself English and Spanish but my first language is Swedish. I never went back to school and they never reported me missing. I bought my own books to learn. Now I'm fifteen, I use a fake ID for my job and I still live on the streets. Anyway after the girls and my boss was gone I headed to the bathroom to freshen up. I then grabbed my things and I headed out the back door. I work in a lesbian nightclub. I'm not a lesbian but I only came here to avoid being raped. Women aren't quite aggressive as men are. But I just walked through the streets with my duffel bag and I stumbled upon a all night diner that I usually go to. I ordered myself some fries and a burger and a nice vanilla milkshake. After that I left and I continued to walk around with no destination. I was getting tired and I headed into a subway station. I found the cleanest spot to lay down. I used my duffel bag as a pillow and I fell asleep. I was awakened some time in the morning by loud noises and screaming. I looked around and across the platform I saw these dudes beating and raping this women. After that they shot her. I started to pick up my things when one of the dudes noticed me. They took off up the stairs and I headed for the exit. Gun shots were fired in my direction but I didn't stop running until I was far away from them. I then felt pain in my side. I looked down to see I had been shot. I sat down near a dumpster and got some tweezers and tissue, rubbing alcohol, and bandaid from my bag. After removing the bullet I rubbed it clean then put a bandaid on it. I placed the tissue in the trash and I threw away my top as well. I then realized the sun was rising and it was morning. I headed to a coffee shop for some breakfast and after that I watched a family leave their home. I climbed into a window and took a quick shower. I usually stay clean by going into people homes to shower. After that I left and I headed to the club.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the first chapter and will continue reading the story. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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