Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


As time goes by the summer was over and today was the first day of the tenth grade. I celebrated Simone birthday the other day and we had sex of course. We been having a lot of sex ever since our first time and it always gets better and better. She said when we get married one day she gonna rock my world. I can't believe she's thinking of marriage and with me. I would love to marry her and I can now that I'm sixteen. My parents would approve but since she's my principal now I can't do that. At the same time I'm hesitant because she's a little clingy and I'm not sure I'm in love. Our relationship is still hidden from outsiders but she does take me on dates. She just covers her head like me and wears sunglasses or sometimes she wears a hat. Anyway our parents were with us today I was gathered in the auditorium and waited for our new principal to speak. I was happy when the curtains finally opened up and she looked so pretty in her button up blouse and slacks.



Simone: Good morning everyone and welcome back parents and students, as we all know I am now the principal here and I have sent letters home explaining the changes I have made to the school. First we now have sports teams and other clubs besides academic. There's music, drama, film, newspaper and more. Second there is a school uniform I believe in individuality but I also been a teacher here for four years and saw how other students would pick on each other because he didn't have the latest Jordan's or she bought a dress from the dollar store. To avoid that problem our school uniform is the colors of our school which is gold white and black. Each student will get a white and gold shirt with the school logo on it and the black bottoms is up to you just make sure it's black, any questions so far

Emily Dad: Yes, about the new teams and clubs the principal that was here the past four years only had academic clubs for a reason, that's why we sent our students here, so they weren't distracted with sports and activities, why change that

Simone: You see you could have a child that's good at basketball and NBA could be his dream, but scouts aren't going to notice him playing in the park on Saturday and academic scholarship in science wouldn't get your kid on a good college team, I believe in academics and I also believe students should be able to excel in different activities and find their calling

Emily Dad: But I want my kid to be a English professor not waste time with sports and activities

Simone: The question is does your child want to be a English professor, I don't have children and I can't tell someone how to raise their kid but I can say from personal experience when your parents control you and tell you how your going to spend the rest of your life they are going to be unhappy and maybe even dislike you, children have their own dreams and goals and best to let them live how they see the world through their own eyes. Children have different visions from what us parents and teachers have for them, personally my parents are business owners and my siblings work in law enforcement, I'm not business women material and I didn't have interest in being a cop, I always been into fashion and makeup and one day I stepped out of my family business and I went to fashion school with my best friend, now she runs a big fashion company and I design, do makeup hair, and model myself, I make a lot of money and I'm happy, anymore questions

Simone: Third, there is now a sex Education class and we also give out free condoms in the office, and we also now have AP classes for our advanced students

Parent: I don't feel comfortable with sending my child to school that gives out condoms. You are basically telling them go have sex

Simone: I'm promoting safe sex and as young person that gets the children I was the person the teenagers came to talk to and most of them were telling me about their sex life, I'm not naming names but kids have sex behind their parents back, thirteen is the curious age and that's the time to sit down with your child and let them know about pregnancy and STDs. Keeping them in the dark isn't going to stop them from having it. So yes I am promoting safe sex for children the ones that choose to be sexually active

Emily Dad: In the letter you said there was now LGBTQ club, my child is not gay

Simone: I never said they were but we do have students that have different sexuality other than straight and we want to make all students feel welcome

Emily Dad: But homosexuality is a sin and that will put you in hell

Simone: That's your opinion sir, and with all the respect only God can judge, we all sin every single day, no sin is different from the other, what your daughter did before her arrival last year was a sin and she was bullied hard about it, we all mistakes don't throw stones when you live in a glass house

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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