Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Simone: He's your father not mine and the family doesn't want me around

Sasha: I do

Simone: I can't and I'm sorry

She started to cry and I gave her a hug. After that I told her go be with her father and she left. I locked all my locks this time and I returned to the room to see Cherry putting on her shoes. She needed to be home at or before nine. I tossed on some sweat pants and I told her she would make it in time if I drove. She arrived around eight and her dad was outside checking the mailbox and he approached my car.

Dad: I just got finished with dinner you should join us

Simone: No I don't want to intrude

Dad: Your not come join us, we love to get to know you better

I smiled at him then I turned off my car and we got out. I washed my hands first then we sat down at the table. They were veggie burgers and fries. I noticed they said grace first but I didn't. After they were done her dad looked at me.

Dad: Do you go to church dear

Simone: Actually I'm a atheist now

Mom: What made you decide to do that

Simone: Last year I had a bad experience that I don't want to talk about and I stop believing after that, just too many bad things happened to me I lost my faith

Mom: We are sorry to hear that darling

Dad: What made you interested in my daughter

Simone: When I saw her standing on the bridge trying to take her life, I was the only white girl in my school so I sort of know what she's going through and when I was a senior I decided I didn't want to live like this and I stood on the roof of my school, my sister came to talk sense into me and seeing Cherry in her situation just made me want to help her and be there for her and after I saved her I felt something for her

Mom:  You seem like a very sweet young woman and we just want you to know that you have our blessing with dating our daughter but I also want you to put yourself first and don't risk your job and career so if you ever back out this relationship we would completely understand

It was nice talking to them and her parents were really kind people. After that I helped them clean the kitchen then I said goodnight to Cherry and left. I went to bed happy that night because I was really starting to like Cherry.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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