Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I didn't want to send her to the office but I didn't have a choice. I heard later the boy got suspended and I'll be running the afternoon detention session which was just going to be Cherry. I don't blame her for hitting him because what he said was awful. I started yelling at him but she got up and pushed him out the seat. Anyway later that afternoon she came in and sat down in her seat. The dean walked by and tossed me the keys to the building. She told me lock up when Cherry was done with her hour here and after that she left. Usually she runs this session in a different classroom and closes the front door after but she has somewhere to be today. I shut the classroom door and I sat down at my desk and started grading papers. All I could do was think about her. I have feelings for Cherry but I'm twenty three so our relationship would put me in jail. I can't help the feelings I have for her but I really love teaching. I came back to reality and I looked and her eyes meant mine. I smiled at her then she sat down in the chair next to my desk.

Cherry: I know you like your job but there's something here between us and I know you feel it, you called me gorgeous this morning

Simone: Well I live nowhere near the school so you should come by my place one day where we can talk more because we are not discussing this here now go back to your seat

She nodded and did that. I continued grading papers as she read her book then a little while later the final bell rung indicated detention was over and other after school activities. I then made sure all the kids were out of the building and I return to class to get my things. I locked the front doors and I headed to the back entrance and made my way home.



Cherry: Mommy daddy can I go out tonight and can I sleep over at Emily house this weekend, her parents will be there and I promise to be back tonight before nine and I'm sorry about getting detention but he called me a terrorist

Mommy: Sweetie people are going to call you a lot of things here because we are different

Daddy: The important thing is don't let it get to you and don't hit anyone first, let them throw the first punch then you beat their ass

Mommy: We aren't going to punish you but we will next time we get a unpleasant phone call home now go hang out with Emily tonight and of course you can stay at her house this weekend

A big smiled appeared on my face. I hugged them both then I headed to Ms Row place. My mom just assumed I was hanging out with Emily tonight but I never said I was. I text her and told her if my parents ask to pretend like I'm there. I told her I would explain at our sleepover and she responded with thumbs up and smiley faces. I made my way to her house and I realized she lived in some apartment building. I didn't know what floor but I saw her car parked. I decided to pull on the door to make her alarm go off. She was downstairs seconds later and she realized it was me. She turned off the alarm then grabbed my hand and took me upstairs.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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