Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


I was excited the winter break was over and it was back to my GED classes. I got raped in my group home and ended up having a baby. The man that did it never went to prison, he wasn't found guilty, and I gave him full custody of the kid. I never wanted children in the first place. But when I never came around that bastard had the nerve to take me to court and make me pay child support. When I couldn't afford it I got locked up. So I dropped out of high school for a job and then I learned most jobs won't hire you without a diploma so I explained to the judge my situation and I was ordered to get my GED and after that I have six months to find a job or I'm going back to prison. My parents are not the best people. They beat on me and I can't wait until I'm eighteen so I can leave and never see them again. Being in this school away from my problems makes me happy. Ms Row is so beautiful, I don't know why she doesn't have a ring yet. She knows about my whole situation and understands it. I struggle hard with English and I'm not where I'm supposed to be academically so she been torturing me after schools ever since my second day in the class. I was excited because I grew feelings for her. Sometimes she flirts and sometimes I get the cold shoulder and she's serious. I'm not sure if we have a spark or not. But I was excited when I arrived in the classroom. She was eating cookies and I couldn't help but notice how soft and chewy it looked. She then looked at me and pushed it my way. I ended up finding out her sister made it and I was in love. But after that she told me take a seat and then we got started.

Ms Row: Did you finish the reading packet

Cammy: No I didn't, I looked at it but there were so many articles to read so I said fuck it

Ms Row: How do you expect to get your GED when you are not making much of any effort into learning. I'm not the person to just hand out grades and diplomas because a student shows up to class. You have to earn it and you will get nowhere in life by wanting everything handed to you, if your just going to waste my time these tutors sessions don't need to continue. I really am tired of your bullshit excuses Cammy

With that being said she said this session was over and I was free to go. I can't believe how serious she got with me. But the whole way home I thought about what she was saying and I thought about what my life going to be like if I don't get this GED. When I got home I went straight to my room and started to do the reading packet.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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