Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


When Ms Row hit the ground a lot of us started crying. She really is a good principal and was a great teacher. Emily and I and our parents went to the hospital everyday for a week. Her sister was there as well and she was finally waking up from her coma.

Sasha: I can't believe you get pushed off a roof and survive

Simone: I'm handcuffed to my bed

Sasha: The public got involved because of the accusations Cammy and that girl made and I didn't have choice but to put you under arrest, we all know it's not true but I have a job to do and those accusations are serious, we also found Cammy diary and she wrote about you every night and how in love you guys were

Simone: What happened to her

Sasha: She's been arrested and charged with attempted murder and she's on suicide watch and that student of yours was on the news saying how she saw you alone with Emily and Cherry stuff like that

Simone: But that's not true

She started crying and we all hugged her. Emily parents know there's nothing going on and no one knows about my relationship with her. After a two weeks went by Emily and I visited her in prison. When she finally got to the phone booth she had a black eye, and her hair was a mess.

Emily: The school and I have put together a protest to free you and that girl got expelled by our new principal, she's a black women and she's super cool just like you, she made some very racist remarks to her and she expelled her

Simone: That's good to hear

Cherry: What happened to your face

Simone: That's a dumb question, people don't like pedophiles so my face got rearranged by some of the women here

Cherry: We are going to get out of here

Simone: Thanks for visiting you guys, it really means a lot to me



After my visit I headed back to my cell. The mail then came through and I got more cards and teddy bears and stuff. A lot of people that know me or that I helped are trying to clear my name. The public is split down the middle some are on my side and others believe that racist bitch. My sister told me the other day the investigation was over and my lawyer told me my trial starts tomorrow. I might lose my mind if I get convicted. But I just sat there on the bed and read the cars my students and the community gave to me.

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Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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