Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I blanked my eyes a few times and I realized I was in the hospital. A doctor came a few minutes later and explained I passed out because my gunshot wound wasn't treated properly. He explained I should have came to the hospital and I just looked at him like he was crazy. I pretend not to speak English so people leave me alone. Anyway I just laid there then a women and two officers walked in. The women started speaking Swedish and I rolled my eyes.

Cherry: I speak English

Sasha: I'm sergeant Row and this is my partner captain Ash and we would like to talk to you, this is my sister Simone but since you speak English no need for a translator

Cherry: You probably know something since you knew my language was Swedish so just deport me

Sasha: I pulled strings and got you a visa that's good for ten years but before I hand it to you we need to talk

Cherry: I don't know what happened to my parents, I'm fifteen, I'm homeless, and I don't know anything else about me

They nodded their heads then she explained the crime I witnessed the other day and wanted my cooperation. I explained to her everything I saw and that I be willing to testify if it went to trial. After that she explained she has to called child services and I began to cry and pled. I didn't want to go to a group home but I had no choice. I was released from the hospital two weeks later and I walked into a home and I seen so many other children. Some of the girls gave me mean looks and I held my head down. The older women then showed me to my room and I started to unpack. After that a older man came in and he shut the door. He told me to sit next to him on the bed and I did. He then showed me a gun and explained what the girls do around here. He said he had to be the first with me to see how good I am. He rubbed my leg and after that I got up. I spit on him and he got up and threw me on the floor. He punched me repeatedly in the face and after that he took my mattress off the bed and told me I sleep on the floor tonight. Once everyone was a sleep I grabbed my things and I jumped out the window. I can't believe the social worker puts me in a place like that. I went to my usual diner and ordered some food and after that I went somewhere dark and quite to get rest. I was enrolled into school and I didn't want to be late.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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