Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

(Continue Cherry)

Before school started I went to the girls locker room to shower. After that I left and went through the front doors. Once I got my schedule I put my duffel bag in my locker and I headed to class. I realized I was early and my teacher was the same women from the hospital. I cleared my throat and she told me have a seat. I sat in the front and after that she sat down in the chair beside me.

Simone: I am Ms Row and I see your in my homeroom class, I just want you to know everything going to be okay and if you ever need anything don't be afraid to ask me or head to my sister prescient, I could tell your very afraid and it must be scary for you, just know my door is always open if you ever need anything and if anyone bullies you let me know okay princess

I smiled at her and she nodded her head. After that she got up and the class started to pour in. She then introduced me and after that she started class which was math, history, and English. She started off with teaching math and when she asked a question no one raised their hand. I decided to answer she was surprised because I was exactly correct. I then heard a girl say nerd and I slid down in my seat. Once the class was over I headed to my other classes. When lunch came around no one wanted me to sit next to them. I was the only dark skin girl in this school. Everyone else was brown, light skin or white. I heard someone say black bitch and I quickly ran out the lunchroom. I realized I had one more class after this which was homeroom and some kind of fashion class. I headed there and I saw Ms Row sitting down and she looked upset. I was about to walk away but she told me come in. I sat down in the same seat as before and began to cry.

Ms Row: What's wrong

Cherry: I don't look like all the other kids here

Ms Row: I had a feeling this might be a problem, I want you to look at me, there is nothing wrong with your complexion, your a beautiful young lady and don't let anyone tell you different, when I was in high school I was the only white girl and I didn't really fit in either, I then went to college got my degrees and I'm a stylist and I been to fashion shows, I design clothes and I work for a fashion company and everyone that made fun of me wants to be my friend

Cherry: So what your saying is after I graduate I'm going to be successful just like you

Ms Row: Something like that lol

We laughed a little bit then she got serious. She pulled out papers from her desk and it was a SAT exam. She said I seem to be on a different level than the other kids and they took the exam the other day. She handed me a pencil and I finished within in the first twenty minutes. She looked very surprised then after that she said she would let me know in a few days.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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