Untitled Part 3

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Felicity looked at Oliver in innocent awe. He was so very handsome. He had on a white shirt with a deep blue tunic that brought out the intense color of his eyes and Felicity was mesmerized.

She blushed as she delicately removed her hand from his and Oliver watched her blush with unabashed fascination. It crept down her neck to her chest and Oliver's eyes flickered briefly down as he wondered just how far down that blush would go.

"My lord.", she curtsied. "What is a knight such as yourself doing in the market?"

"I came for some items that I needed, and I am glad I did. I am sorry that Tom was not more of a gentleman." He said.

"Alara and I could have handled him, but I appreciate your concern." She looked around shyly before looking up into his eyes. "Well I shall let you get back to your shopping my lord." She turned to leave when she felt a hand upon her arm. He removed it quickly when she turned toward him inquisitively.

"My lady, I do not mean to be forward but would you care to walk with me?" He did not want her to leave. He needed to get to know her.

Felicity glanced down at Alara who was sitting next to her, her green eyes on Oliver, her tail swishing lazily back and forth. "I would love to."

Oliver offered her his arm and they strolled through the market. Oliver could feel eyes on them as they passed but he paid them no mind. Felicity did notice the eyes and she looked up at Oliver with a curious light in her eyes. "You do realize that you are walking with the town pariah."

He looked at her and frowned. What could these people possibly have against this beautiful creature? "Most of the people in this town ignore me and those that don't either want something from me or are like your friend Tom."

He felt anger creep up his spine at the last words she spoke. The thought of men, any man, speaking to her in such a crude manor or even worse, putting their hands on her made him feel a rage he only felt in battle. He clenched his jaw. "Why is that Felicity?" He had heard the rumors. He wanted to hear from her.

She looked at him in surprise. "They fear what they do not understand. Like Alara. I mean how many women have you known that walk around with a pet panther?" She smiled.

Before he could respond Felicity let out a squeal of delight. She released his arm and ran up to the stall that was in front of them. They were selling flowers of every color and type and Felicity's eyes lit up like it was Christmas. Her hand gently trailed over the soft petals and Oliver could not help the smile that crossed his lips at her excitement. "Are they not the most beautiful things you have ever seen?"

Oliver couldn't take his eyes off of her, and he leaned in and whispered in her ear, "The second most beautiful."

Felicity felt goose bumps break out along her arms as his breath gently brushed her ear. Her blush returned. Oliver took the coins that Lord Chambers had given him and pointed to the flowers. "Pick out the ones you want." She looked at him in shock.

"Any flowers that you want. They are yours." Felicity looked at him and saw he was serious. She looked back at the flowers and gave them a wistful look.

When she did not respond he looked at the man behind the stall. "Give the lady one of each please." The man gladly picked out one of each flower and gave the bouquet to Felicity. Oliver tossed him a coin and then turned to her with a smile.

"Oliver they are beautiful.", she said and buried her nose in the bouquet. The scent was heavenly.

Oliver offered her his arm again. "Shall we continue my lady?"

Felicity placed the flowers in her basket and took his arm. They strolled a little further down the street and as they passed an alley they heard a scuffle. Looking down the alley Felicity could see a young child being roughed up by two men. Her eyes turned a turbulent green as she saw them pushing the child, and she let go of Oliver's arm and spoke softly to Alara. "Peatage neid! (Stop them!)" Oliver watched in fascination as Alara rushed into the alley ahead of Felicity and her deep rumbling growl caught the attention of the men. Felicity stepped forward her eyes green and the emerald talisman around her neck softly glowing. The men looked at the panther as she crept forward and suddenly were thrown back. Their eyes grew large with fear and they looked at Felicity and then ran down the alley, releasing the boy who fell to the ground. Oliver looked on in surprise. Had that really happened?

Felicity rushed to the boys side and held out her hand to help him up. "You are safe." The boy took her hand and stood, looking at the large cat in awe. Oliver watched enthralled as Felicity interacted with the child. She called Alara forward and Alara moved to her side. The boy reached out his hand and gently stroked the cat's head eliciting a purr deep from her chest. "Why were those men bothering you?"

The boy looked at her shyly. "I was hungry and asked for some food." Felicity's heart about leapt from her chest. He was hungry. She could see by his torn dirty clothing that he was probably poor and so she took the fruit from her basket and handed him the apples and star fruit. "Please take these."

Oliver watched her hand the child the apples, and reaching into his pocket he pulled out the remaining coins that Lord Chambers had given to him. Those coins would buy his family food for a month. "And take these as well." The boy looked at the gold coins as if he had been given all the money in the world.

"Thank you my lady, my lord", he said with unrestrained excitement. He turned and ran up the alley before he turned and gave them a toothy grin. Then he turned and he was gone.

Felicity turned and looked at Oliver. "Thank you Oliver", she said softly.

Oliver stepped toward her. "You told Alara to stop those men didn't you?"

She nodded, looking down. "The women in my family were empaths. It is a trait that I inherited, and I cannot stand seeing someone hurt."

Oliver took her chin gently in his hand and lifted her face to him. "You are truly mesmerizing Felicity."

She looked up into his eyes and before he knew what he was doing, he leaned down and kissed her.

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