Untitled Part 25

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Felicity ran through the castle looking for Alara. Oliver and Felicity's son Jonas had been chasing Alara through the castle and with the cat being pregnant Felicity did not want him to wear her out. She noted Alara lying by the fireplace on the bed of linens they had made her and the panther roared at her with frustration. Jonas was a little over a year old and he had started walking to Alara's chagrin, which meant she got chased all over the castle. And recently Oliver had bought a mate for Alara and now she was pregnant and due any day.

Felicity gave her a soft smile, "I am sorry Alara. I will try to keep Jonas away from you. Is there anything that you need?"

Alara told her no, just to rest so Felicity patted her head and left closing the door behind her. Maybe she could get some rest if Jonas could not get to her. She would check on her later.

Felicity finally found Jonas laughing as Alaina chased him around the gardens. Alaina had become Felicity's handmaid after she had become Lady Queen, and the two had developed a bonded friendship. She loved Jonas like he was her own and he loved her dearly.

"I see you caught the little waif." Felicity teased as Jonas ran up to her and threw himself into her arms. He looked so much like his father. Felicity smiled as she thought back to the day he was born. Oliver had been a nervous wreck and had paced the whole time, until Lyla threatened to throw him out of the room. When they found out the baby was a boy their hearts had swelled. But Oliver had been nervous. He knew how to handle girls from when his sister was young, but a boy was new to him.

Felicity had assured him he would be a great father and soon after the two were inseparable. Oliver took Jonas everywhere he possibly could with him and on the days, he could not take him with him, he made sure he spent a couple of hours with him before his bedtime. As she turned to walk back into the castle Jonas saw his father heading their way and he wiggled to get out of her arms. He ran to his father who scooped him up high and kissed his cheek.

"What have my beautiful wife and son been up to?" He kissed Felicity softly and then smiled at them both.

"Well I have spent the past 30 minutes chasing your son who just so happened to be chasing Alara." Oliver frowned slightly. He knew that Alara was due any day now and he scolded Jonas gently.

"I shut the door to the sitting room so she could have some peace." Felicity laughed.

"Good because Musta (Finnish for black) has been pacing the yard wanting to see her."

"Well he can't see her until she has her cubs." They all walked down the hall and suddenly Felicity could hear Alara roaring. She rushed to the sitting room, and walked in to see Alara in the midst of birthing her cubs. Lyla rushed into the room, having heard Alara's roars ringing through the castle walls and she immediately started helping her. They watched in fascination as she gave birth to a pure black cub, that was a boy, and then a miracle happened. Alara gave birth to a pure white cub with blue eyes. It was a girl.

Lyla looked at the cub in wonder and then looked at Felicity. Felicity felt her eyes travel down to her stomach and her eyes widened as she saw Lyla's face soften. Lyla looked at her best friend and smiled.

"It looks like you guys are going to have a girl!"

Felicity touched her stomach softly. They had not told anyone of her pregnancy as they had wanted to enjoy it awhile just the two of them, but Lyla as usual had known. The birth of the white cub confirmed it and Felicity smiled at Oliver. He kissed her softly on the lips.

"Now there will be a cub for each of our children. I hope this one gets your ability to communicate with animals like Jonas did." Oliver looked at the blonde-haired boy in his arms and kissed his head. Jonas had just turned a year old when they had noticed him sitting with Alara and Musta and actually trying to communicate. It would be a number of years until they would find out if he had received her powers as well but they knew right then he was a lot like his mother. That made Oliver very happy.

Felicity clapped her hands in glee. "Now we can announce our good news and Alara's at the same time."

She smiled as Sir Chambers entered the room, and he laughed as the saw the two cubs nursing against their mother. He turned to Felicity and Oliver. "What news are you going to be sharing?"

Oliver smiled, "Felicity is pregnant with a girl." He couldn't keep the dopey smile off of his face, and he knew when they told Thea that she and Roy would make the final decision to move to Gliestan. It had been hard on them being so far away from their nephew and they had talked of moving closer. Oliver had even offered them some land on the castle grounds. He was sure they would take his offer when they heard the news.

Sir Chambers hugged them both tightly. He was thrilled. His grandchildren lived far away and it had been a true blessing seeing Jonas grow. Now he would get to see their daughter grow as well. He was a blessed man.

"Oliver why don't you and Jonas go get Musta"; she said. Oliver turned and set Jonas down. "I will race you to the door." The two took off, Oliver acting like Jonas was soo much faster than him, and Jonas stumbling along on his chubby legs. Felicity laughed as she heard her sons giggles floating down the hall.

"I swear I think Oliver had de-aged about ten years since Jonas was born. He is like a big kid himself. Oh and don't even get me started on Sir Slade. I caught him the other day pointing out the most beautiful maids to him." She rolled her eyes as Lyla and Sir Chambers laughed.

Felicity looked around, "Where is John?"

Lyla laughed, "Ever since Oliver asked him to help train the new knights, he has been working with them for most of the day. I appreciate Oliver giving him that responsibility. He has been wanting to get back into training and this was the perfect excuse."

Felicity looked behind her as she heard a roar, and Musta came trotting down the hall. He walked past her and rubbed against her before he wandered cautiously over to Alara and the cubs. Their eyes were still closed and Alara was licking them her purrs bouncing off the walls. Musta sat next to her and looked down on them with his green eyes. Felicity, Lyla and Sir Chambers decided to leave them alone, and they all walked out into the hallway.

As Oliver walked up with Jonas, Felicity smiled at her men. "I think it is time this little one took a nap."

She took Jonas from his arms, and kissed him on the lips before she headed upstairs. Oliver smiled as he watched them go. His family.

He turned to Lyla and Sir Chambers. "I think I am going to go check on John. I don't want him to wear himself out today."

Oliver headed to the training grounds. He was looking forward to seeing what John had taught them and how far along they had come.

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