Untitled Part 24

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Oliver and Felicity walked down the stairs, her arm through his, Alara at their side with smiles on their faces. Today was the festival and Lord Chambers would be announcing Oliver's succession as Lord of Gliestan. Felicity was so proud of him and he looked so very handsome in his tunic in the Gliestan crest colors. Alara had woken up with quite a bit of energy this morning so they were going to release her to go hunt while they helped Lord Chambers greet the guests. Everyone in town was invited and it seemed that everyone in town was there. The grounds were teaming with people, and everyone they passed gave them a warm smile and a greeting.

Lyla and John were standing talking to Lord Chambers when they walked up and Felicity gave them both a hug.

"Oliver told me the good news. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me that you two will be staying!" Her smile beamed and Oliver thought that with her pregnancy glow she never looked more beautiful.

"Well John and I had been thinking of making a change and he gave us an offer we could not refuse." She smiled.

Felicity looked at Oliver in surprise, "And what would that be my lord?" She gave him a curious look.

"Our own piece of land on the property. He and Lord Chambers have already worked out the details." Lyla looked up at John and their smiles to each other showed a deep love. Felicity was so very happy for them both.

Lord Chambers led them to the dais that had been set up in the courtyard of the castle and as they mounted the steps everyone started to gather around.

"Good Morning everyone! I am so very glad to see you all here today. I have some exciting news and there will be games and food for your enjoyment. Today I am pleased to make a very important announcement. I have decided to step down as Lord of Gliestan and I am naming Sir Oliver Queen as new Lord of Gliestan."

Cheers and murmurs erupted around the courtyard and Lord Chambers clasped Oliver in a hug. Felicity clapped enthusiastically as Oliver stepped forward and officially accepted. Oliver tugged Felicity forward as the minister of the local parish stepped up. Oliver turned to Felicity and kneeled before her. "Felicity my love, for the longest time I was alone. I traveled worked where I was needed and moved on without any thought of love or a home. And then I met you. You captivated me from the very first time I saw you. Well you and Alara." They looked at the panther who had returned from her hunt and was dutifully by Felicity's side. Everyone laughed as the panther roared. "Now all I want is you by my side, for you to be my lady. Will you marry me?"

Felicity's eyes widened and she was speechless. Alara roared again and rubbed against Oliver as if giving him Felicity's answer for her. Felicity took his hand and laughed. "Yes, my lord!"

Everyone cheered as Oliver stood and kissed Felicity on the lips and then they gasped as a local minister walked up on the dais.

Oliver looked at Felicity. "Would now be too soon?"

She looked at him with loving surprise. How had he managed that? "No, now is not too soon it's perfect."

Oliver took their hand and the minister stepped forward. The ceremony was simple and sweet with the townspeople present and John and Lyla nearby. Oliver and Felicity spoke of when they met and how their love had grown and Lord Chambers watched them with pride. His niece was getting the happiness she deserved. His brother might have been a cad, but Felicity was the one thing he did that was right.

The crowd erupted into cheers when it was over and Oliver stepped gallantly forward and kissed Felicity. Soon they were eating and dancing and having a great time and the day passed quickly.

Felicity was exhausted when they finally headed upstairs. So much had happened today and so much had changed. Effective tomorrow she and Oliver would be Lord and Lady Queen of Gliestan and in nine months they would have a baby. Felicity still thought she was dreaming. She had grown up alone after her mother died. Being a teenager on her own had been a difficult life, but it was one she would not change. It had given her strength and molded her into the woman she was today. Lord Queen's wife! And now here she was with a man who loved her and a baby on the way, an Uncle that adored her and good friends.

Oliver kissed her softly as they entered their room. He looked at her with warmth and could see the smile curving her lips. "Are you happy my lady?"

"Am I happy?" She placed her arms around his neck and the look she gave him was love, respect, desire and happiness all rolled into one. "Oliver you have made me the happiest woman in Gliestan, in fact I would even say the whole world. I get to spend the rest of my life by your side and that makes me more than happy, it makes me content."

He kissed her lips and they undressed and crawled into the bed. Laying facing each other Oliver thought back to his sister and her husband. He regretted that they were not here for the wedding but the travel would have taken days and Oliver had wanted to marry Felicity right away. He had sent a messenger to Thea and he knew she and Roy would be happy for them.

"So how are you feeling Lord Queen?" she teased with a smile.

"Like this is all surreal. Felicity what I said in my proposal was true. I never thought that one day I would have a home and a family. I truly thought I would die on the battle field."

Felicity's heart broke at his word and she scooted closer pulling him to her.

"When I met you, I knew were going to change my life, I just didn't know how. And the thought of having a child." His chest swelled with pride when he thought of her carrying his child. He placed his hand on her stomach reverently. "It was a dream I thought I would never have."

"You deserve everything Oliver. I love you so much. I knew you were going to change my life too.", she smiled softly as she thought back to the day they met. She then looked at Alara and grinned. "I think Alara knew from day one that there was something between us. She was so docile with you. Most men she would hiss and growl. She sensed the good in you. I could feel that."

Oliver smiled, "She is smart like her Mistress." Felicity moved closer to him and settled into his side.

"I wish you had been able to meet my mother". She spoke softly and Oliver kissed the top of her head. He could hear the emotion in her voice. "She would have been an amazing grandmother."

"Me too Felicity."

"Do you think our child will have my powers?" She asked rubbing her hand gently over his chest.

"I don't know, but I do know one thing. Our child will be the luckiest child born because they will have you as their mother."

"I hope we have a boy. I want him to be just like his father", she smiled.

"Well I hope we have a little girl that is as beautiful and caring as her mother."

They held each other tight as they both thought of their child, they knew they would be happy with a boy or a girl and they settled into silence, both not really needing to say anything else.

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