Untitled Part 8

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Felicity stood as the crowd started to move around, and headed to the exit. She hoped to talk to Oliver before his next event. As she made her way toward the stables a beautiful, slender brunette woman stepped into her path. Felicity stopped and looked at her with surprise.

Thea looked Felicity over with curious eyes. "Thea Harper-Queen!" She said looking her up and down. Her look was not unfriendly and so Felicity relaxed.

Felicity smiled slightly at her. This was obviously Oliver's sister. "Felicity Smoak. What a pleasure to meet you Thea!"

Thea crossed her arms over her chest, "So who are you to my brother?" She glanced down at the cloth that Felicity clutched tightly in her hands. Felicity did not know what to say. She did not know what she was to Oliver, so she kept it simple.

"We are just friends." Thea didn't buy it. As she was about to question Felicity more Ray Palmer approached them and his gaze locked into Felicity. Thea moved off discreetly to give them some privacy, but she stayed nearby. She wanted to know what this woman was to Oliver and she was going to find out.

Ray bowed to Felicity and took her hand, "Ray Palmer!" He kissed the back of her hand, and Felicity removed her hand quickly, slightly uncomfortable.

She curtsied, "Felicity Smoak."

"Well Miss Smoak. Are you here by yourself today? I would love to show you around." Ray gave her a serious look. She was beautiful. He definitely wanted to get to know her better.

Felicity almost jumped as she felt an arm encircle her waist and she heard a familiar voice beside her, "No, she is not here by herself. She is here with me!" Oliver said, his eyes showing in no uncertain terms that she was with him. Thea watched the exchange fascinated.

"Queen! You are a lucky man indeed." Ray, looked at Felicity and gave her a look that said he would be seeing her again. "It was nice to meet you my lady.", He turned and headed to the sword play and Oliver watched him go with an intense glare.

Felicity felt Oliver relax beside her as Ray left and he looked down at her with a smile. He was about to say something when he heard an all too familiar voice. "Oliver, why didn't you introduce us to your friend?" Thea walked back over with Roy close behind her and Oliver groaned and turned to her.

"Well I was hoping to keep Felicity a secret for just a while longer, but you see how that worked out." Felicity smiled at Thea. "Felicity, I would like for you to meet Thea and Roy. Thea is obviously the sister I told you about." Oliver watched as Roy greeted Felicity with a warm smile. He could tell that Felicity and Thea had already met.

Thea placed her arm through Felicity's and smiled widely at Oliver. "Well she will be sitting with us for the rest of the tournament. We need to get to know each other better." Oliver watched as Thea dragged Felicity off and Felicity looked back over her shoulder at him with a smile. Her eyes were dancing at the look on his face. He was irritated.

Oliver headed to the sword play and tried not to look back at Felicity as she was led away. He had wanted to spend a moment with her before his next event, but Thea had interrupted their time. He would make sure to get her alone later. He frowned though as he noted that Alara had not been with her. He wondered on that before his page Ben handed him his sword.

Thea led Felicity to the stands near Lord Chambers and as they walked up he glanced at Felicity and then at Thea. He stood looking at Felicity with curiosity. "Thea, who is the lovely lady you have with you?" he asked jovially.

"Lord Chambers, I would like to present Felicity Smoak. She is a friend of my brothers." Thea said proudly. This woman obviously meant a lot to Oliver and that made Thea very happy.

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