Untitled Part 21

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Oliver, John and Alara headed back into the castle. Alara had made an impressive kill and she was feeling stronger, but she wanted to get back to her Mistress. Oliver opened the door and walked in and as soon as he did he sensed something was wrong.

'Felicity?" he made his way over to her and sat by her side. Her eyes were puffy from crying and Oliver's heart clenched. Alara jumped up on the bed with a growl and curled up next to her Mistress.

Lyla looked at John and told them the story of the talisman and the color change. Oliver was floored. He pulled Felicity tightly to his chest. No, that couldn't be. He looked at Lyla with a shocked expression and she turned to John. "We need to do the afterlife incantation so we can find out who the talisman is reflecting.

John nodded and walked over to Lyla. They held hands and closed their eyes and Felicity, Oliver and Lord Chambers watched in fascination as a light mist started to swirl around them. Lyla started speaking. Felicity shut her eyes tightly as she heard Lyla's words. She loved the people in this room. She couldn't lose anyone.

"Argia eta iluna, eguzkia eta ilargia, antzinakoei deitzen diot. heriotza eta iluntasuna kontrolatzen dutenak. Zein bilatzen duzu? (To the light and the dark, the sun and the moon, I call upon the ancient ones; the ones who control death and darkness. Whom do you seek?)"

They felt the mist swirling around them and as it moved between them it started to shift. Lyla and John kept their eyes closed as it moved quickly, swirled into a storm and vanished as quickly as it had come. Lyla and John opened their eyes and looked around the room. Lyla was confused. The incantation always worked. She looked at John with wide eyes. Could it be? She had only heard of this happening on one other occassion. The empath had been strong and because of the strength of her powers death had moved on, the light that the empath emmitted being too strong for death to take it's hold. She looked at the talisman around Felicity's neck and then she knew. The purple had faded to a soft lavender, it was glowing and Alara's eyes were shadowing the same color.

Felicity looked at Lyla and John in fear. "Please can you tell me? Who?" She choked out the last word, really not wanting to know but not able to go on until she did. Oliver gripped him to her tightly and he felt the energy thrumming through her body.

Lyla walked over to Felicity and looked at her in awe. "Felicity this has only happened in other time in the history of this incantation. I am... I am stunned!"

"What are you talking about Lyla?" Oliver asked when Felicity could not say a word.

"Felicity when your powers became complete, I mean when you met your true love, it solidified your powers into a whole. When that happened your powers became stronger, which is why you were able to grant your powers to Oliver when he was in battle. You are considered a light conduit Felicity. You emit goodness and light from within and because of the strength of how you love, unselfishly, you have the power push back darkness."

Felicity growing confused as were Oliver and Lord Chambers. "I'm not sure I understand." Felicity looked at her confused. What was she saying?

"Felicity your emotion, your love was able to push back death. It could not get a grip because of your light. Your powers were too strong."

Felicity started to feel hope rise in her chest, but she didn't want to feel it just yet. "So what are you saying Lyla?"

"Look at the color of your talisman now. Of Alara's eyes. What I am saying is that even though death was near, it couldn't take hold. Because of you!"

Oliver looked at Lyla and John in shock. He felt like he was going crazy. He knew that Felicity had powers but the strength of her powers had increased. Did that mean she could cheat death?

"So are you saying that Felicity can repel death?" he asked stunned.

Lyla laughed lightly. "No. No one can repel death forever. I believe the talisman turned purple because Felicity was able to take her body to such a non-communicative state, that it was as close to death as you can get without actually dying. The talisman sensed this therefore changing color. Our incancation just kind of reset it so to speak."

Lord Chambers collapsed into a nearby chair the air leaving his lungs in relief. He watched as Oliver and Felicity hugged each other tight, Alara nuzzling their heads. He was old. He was tired, and as he sat there an idea came to mind. He needed to talk to Oliver, but he would wait.

Lyla, continued to look at Felicity before she turned to John and Lord Chambers. "We should go and give them some time alone."

Lord Chambers kissed Felicity on the head and then winked at Oliver before he walked out with Lyla and John.

"This excitement is too much for me." he joked. She clung to him tightly. He could feel her trembling. That had been way too close. He sat back on the bed and pulled her to his chest. She trembled as she thought of how close she had come to hearing she was losing someone she loved. Losing her mother had been the hardest thing she had ever gone through, but thinking of losing Oliver or Alara, made her chest ache so bad, she couldn't breathe. She couldn't think about it anymore. Oliver was here with her, he was safe.

She clung tighter to him and then she was kissing him. She kissed him with love, desire, relief, hunger and such need that he couldn't help himself. As much as he knew she needed to rest and needed to let her body heal, he needed her too. They broke the kiss each breathing heavily and wasted no time in stripping off their clothes. She wanted to feel him, skin to skin, flesh to flesh, heartbeat to heartbeat.

He looked up at her in surprise as she pushed him back on the bed and straddled his lap. Her hands took their time tracing the hard lines of his chest and she leaned forward her hair brushing his face and kissed over his heart. His hands slid to her hips, their softness a stark contrast to his callouses and the feeling was deliciously electric. She could feel him growing hard beneath her and she rocked against him. Oliver closed his eyes as he felt her heat and her wet desire and his grip tightened on her hips. He quickly sat up and wrapped her legs around his waist, their bodies meeting exactly where they wanted, hard and soft. He kissed along her shoulder and up her neck and as he pulled her down for a deep kiss she lifted on her knees and gripped him in her hand. His groan was deep and gutteral and soon she was lowering herself slowly onto him. Her body was wet and ready and he slid in easily all the way to the base. He wrapped his arms around her and soon they were rocking together against each other. Their breathing turned to pants as she lifted and sank back down onto him and soon his hands were gripping her waist guiding her on him. They stared into each others eyes as they moved, him thrusting her lowering, her hard nipples dragging against his chest. He could feel her body tightening, and hear her moans and whimpers, her arms tight around his neck and soon they were both gasping as their orgasm's hit slow and intense. They both continued to rock together as they cried out, their bodies hitting that high and then slowly sinking back down together. They held each other close as their breathing returned to normal and Oliver leaned back, lying down, taking her with him.

Felicity sprawled across his body, as they lay still joined and her eyes grew heavy. He kissed her head, gently stroking her hair and whispering words of love to her.

They both eventually fell asleep and as they did, the talisman and Alara's eyes glowed with the color of life.

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