Untitled Part 20

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Oliver and Felicity slept through until morning, both of their bodies trying to recover, his from lack of sleep hers from lack of energy. They woke the next morning and Oliver could tell immediately that Felicity was feeling better. She had more color in her cheeks and as she turned in his arms she snuggled close to him. Her hand gently fingered the talisman still around his neck and suddenly she sat up straight. The talisman had changed color. It was now purple. Her mother had told her that her amulet could change colors if she sacrificed herself for someone she loved. It stood for royalty, peace and magic. She turned and looked at Alara and the panther's eyes were glowing a soft amethyst.

But it also meant something else and Felicity was shocked. She couldn't be, could she? She knew she had not taken the sylphium after they were together last but her body had all but shut down when she was in her catatonic state. She needed to talk to Lyla.

Oliver kissed her shoulder, sitting up beside her, and then he noticed Alara's eyes. He looked down at the talisman and then at Felicity, his eyes confused.

"Felicity, why is the talisman purple?"

She explained what her mother had told her about sacrifice and love and he took the talisman off and gently placed it around her neck.

"I still cannot believe you did that my love." He kissed her lips and when she was hesitant to respond, he looked worried.

"Are you ok?"

"Um, I am fine. Just a little hungry." She felt terrible that she was acting so weird with him but she could not relax until she knew if she was with child. How would he deal with that? Yes he had told her he wanted to retire to his own lands and be with her, but to father a child? That could be too much. She looked at Alara and Alara blinked sensing her fear and unease. Alara looked at Oliver and roared lightly. She would get him to take her to the woods to hunt.

Oliver looked at Alara and laughed. "Ok girl. Give me a minute."

He dressed and walked to the door and opening it picked up the tray that had been left outside of it. He had heard the servant knocking earlier but had not wanted to awaken Felicity.

He set the tray down and kissed her head. "I am going to take Alara for a hunt. Will you be ok until we get back?"

'Yes, but would you mind having Lyla come by to see me? I would like to talk to her and thank her for what she did.", she answered vaguely.

Oliver could sense something was off but he figured it had to do with everything she had one through and he nodded before he led Alara out of the room.

Felicity let out a sigh and stood from the bed. Her legs were wobbly from not being used, so she held onto the bed for a moment as they finally calmed down.

What was she going to do? What if she was pregnant and Oliver did not want kids? She would have to leave. She would leave and raise the child by herself.

She shook her head. Come on Felicity, you are getting ahead of yourself. You need to calm down and wait to see what Lyla tells you. She heard a knock at the door and opened it to Lyla's warm brown eyes.

"Felicity! You look so much better.", she said as she came into the room. Felicity closed the door and before she could say anything Lyla noticed her talisman.

"Purple!" she murmured.

"Alara's eyes are purple too." Felicity said, and Lyla could see the concern in her eyes. "Lyla, Oliver and I were together before he left for the battle, and I did not take sylphium after. My mother told me that my talisman could change color if I sacrificed myself for someone I loved, but she also told me that purple could signify......it could signify birth."

Lyla looked at Felicity as if in shock. "Felicity, yes the change did have to do with your sacrifice, but you are wrong about the color purple signifying life." She hesitated. How could she tell Felicity this news?

"Lyla please, what is it?"

Lyla took Felicity's hands in hers and her eyes were filled with compassion. "Felicity the color purple signifies death."

Felicity stumbled back her hand flying to her mouth. "No!! No!!!"

She collapsed onto the bed and Lyla was immediately by her side. "Who........how?"

Lyla's eyes were filled with tears. "I don't know. There is a ritual we can do to find out but we would need all of your loved ones in the room."

Felicity choked, "You mean.....you mean it could be Oliver?"

"It could be Oliver or Lord Chambers, Alara. It could be you Felicity."

Felicity heard no more. The buzzing became so loud in her ears she thought she was going to pass out. She couldn't lose someone. Especially Oliver or Alara. It would rip her heart out, and Lord Chambers was like a father to her. She had grown to love him so very much. She felt tears falling down her face as she looked at Lyla, her eyes begging her to tell her differently. She couldn't.


John had accompanied Oliver on his walk with Alara and Oliver looked at the man with curiosity. He was huge. He knew without a doubt he would be an asset in battle. He wanted to know more about him.

"How did you meet Lyla?" Oliver asked as they watched Alara prowling up the path.

"I was injured in battle just outside of Liencster. Lyla was known well among the commoners there and so the Lord I was working for at the time had me taken to her. I stayed with her for two weeks while she worked her magic, so to speak. We got to know each other and when it came time for me to leave. I couldn't. She mesmerized me."

Oliver huffed out a laugh. "I know the feeling."

"Felicity is a special lady Oliver. Women like Lyla and Felicity are one in a million. Don't let her go man."

Oliver watched Alara with a wistful expression. "I don't intend to."

They talked more as they walked and each developed a level of respect for the other.


Lord Chambers knocked on Felicity's door with a spring in his step. He was thrilled that she was awake and he did not want to waste any time. He wanted to throw a festival for her and he was going to announce to everyone who came that she was his daughter. He hoped she would agree. He knew she was not biologically his daughter but he had come to love her like a daughter and despite the fact his brother had died, he wanted to do right by her.

Lyla opened the door and as soon as he walked in he knew something was wrong. He listened in shock as Lyla explained to him about the talisman and the changes and what they meant and Lord Chambers nearly lost his breath. In that moment he prayed to the heavens that it was him. He couldn't lose Felicity and he knew she would not be the same if she lost Oliver or Alara. He walked over and gently pulled her into a hug.

"All will be well my child. I promise you!"

Felicity hugged him back as her tears fell unheeded.

Somehow she did not believe that would be true.

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