Untitled Part 19

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Oliver was exhausted. He had been up all night checking on Felicity and his back and neck hurt from sleeping in an awkward position by her side. He stood and stretched reaching for his braes when he heard a sound that stopped him dead cold. He turned slowly and saw Felicity reaching her hand toward her head, a small groan escaping her lips. He rushed to her side, and he saw Alara lift her head, looking at her Mistress as if she was seeing things.


She turned her head toward him, and her eyes were dimmed, the light they normally emitted not there. But she smiled at him. "You came back to me!" Her voice was hoarse and Oliver shushed her.

"Please don't talk. Let me get you some water." He rushed from his room and down the stairs and the first servant he saw he ordered to bring water and then for them to fetch Lord Chambers, Lady Lyla and Sir John. He ran back up the stairs and walked over by the bed. She looked so pale, so fragile it made his heart ache.

Felicity looked at Oliver. As handsome as he was he looked awful. He had bags under his eyes and she noticed they were wet with tears.

She held out her hand beckoning him to her. "Come here my love. Why are you sad?"

"You have been out for two weeks Felicity." She could hear the emotion in his voice and blushed lightly. "You knew that would happen, didn't you?" He said the words matter of factly with no accusation.

She nodded. "I knew if I told you the toll this would take on me that you would not take the talisman. I needed you to take it."

He looked at her with concern. "But why?" He sat on her bedside, bringing her hands to his lips.

"Because in my dream, the one where I saw the battle. I saw you die!"

Oliver looked at her in shock, but before he could respond the servant brought the water. Oliver helped her to sit up and then lifted the water to her lips. "Drink slowly my lady."

Felicity took a sip of the water and laid back down as Lord Chambers came into the room. He walked over and seeing her eyes open hugged her, his eyes watering. "Oh dear girl. What a wonderful sight."

Felicity smiled and Lord Chambers sat by her side. Oliver decided to give them a moment, and he looked at Alara. He knew she needed some food and water and he motioned to her to come. She looked at Felicity and when she nodded her head, Alara walked over to Oliver' side, rubbing against his leg. He smiled at Felicity. "We will be back soon my love." He closed the door behind him.

Lord Chambers looked her over. He could tell she was weak and she looked pale. "You scared me young lady." He tried to sound stern, but it just came out relieved.

"I am sorry for worrying everyone. But I knew that if I told Oliver about what would happen he would not take the talisman. He had to take it."

"He won you know!" Lord Chambers said with a proud smile. "Men were hurt but more would have died if it had not been for you." They heard a knock at the door and Lord Chambers opened it to find Lyla and John standing on the other side. He invited them in and when Lyla saw Felicity awake, her brown eyes smiled.

"Hi Felicity, my name is Lyla. This is my husband John. I am a healer that your uncle called to help you."

Felicity looked at the couple and smiled warmly. "You were the voice I heard."

Lyla looked at her in surprise. "You could hear me?"

Felicity nodded, "Yes, I could hear everyone, I just could not respond. My body was not ready."

Lyla took her hand. "I have never met an empath such as you Felicity. Your powers........they astound me. You must come from a long line of empaths."

Felicity nodded, "Both my mother and my grandmother."

As the ladies talked Lord Chambers pulled John to the side. "I cannot thank you both enough for bringing her back to us. Will you please stay another fortnight? I would like to have a celebration in the castle for her."

Lyla heard him speaking and she looked at John and nodded. "We would be honored Lord Chambers." he said.

Oliver and Alara returned a short time later. He had made sure she was fed by taking her on a walk through the forests behind the castle. She had been able to run and hunt and it made Oliver feel better knowing she was gaining back her strength.

Oliver walked over to Lyla and John and shook their hands solemnly. "I am indebted to you both. Whatever you need, all you have to do is ask."

They smiled and then left the room giving Felicity and Oliver some time alone.

Lord Chambers kissed her forehead and turned to Oliver. "I will have both of your dinners sent up tonight." He smiled a big smile and clapped Oliver's shoulder before he walked out, closing the door.

Oliver slowly walked toward her, shedding his clothes and when he was down to his braes he crawled into the bed beside her and pulled her tightly to his chest.

"Please do not ever keep something like that from me again my love."

She placed her arms tightly around his waist. She could tell he had lost weight. Well now that she was back she would make sure he took care of himself.

They laid holding each other, Alara at their feet as Felicity fell back to sleep. She still needed to get some rest, but she was starting to get some color back in her cheeks and that made Oliver smile. He would tell her about the battle and about Merlyn, but now he just wanted her to rest. To heal.

He closed his eyes and soon his exhaustion overtook him and he was sound asleep. Alara raised her head when she heard a knock on the door, but Oliver and Felicity were in a deep sleep. The servant knocked again and when she did not get an answer she instructed the ladies with her to leave the food by the door and then they left.

Alara looked at her Mistress and the man that was slowly becoming her master and as she purred in contentment, her eyes glowed purple.

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