Untitled Part 13

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Lord Chambers walked down to the dungeon with a heavy heart. The last thing he had wanted to do was place Felicity in a cell. There was something so familiar about her. But as the Lord of Gliestan he had no choice. Sir Ray was a respected knight and someone most people trusted. But there was something off about this whole story. He wanted to talk to Felicity. As he neared her cell he looked in to see the woman sitting against the wall, the amulet around her neck glowing a soft green. She looked so small and so fragile. But from the stories he had heard, she was far from it.

Felicity looked up as she heard footsteps and surprise lit her eyes when she saw Lord Chambers standing outside of her cell. He asked Allister to open the door and walked in giving Felicity a curious look.

"Miss Smoak, can we talk for a moment?" Felicity folded her hands gently in front of her and gave him a confident nod. 'Yes, my Lord!"

"Who was your mother?" Felicity was not expecting that question and it took her by surprise.

'My mother was healer of your people. Her name was Donna." Recognition flared in Lord Chamber's eyes and he whispered, "I knew it!"

Felicity saw it. "Did you know my mother?"

Lord Chambers walked closer and as he looked into her eyes he saw her mother. "I did not know your mother personally. But my brother did." Felicity looked at him with confusion.

He started a slow pace and looked at her with eyes that spoke of hurt and regret. "My brother is Lord Chambers of Penrith. Before you were born he came to visit me here in Gliestan and while here he met a beautiful woman that he fell in love with at first sight. I only met her once but he introduced her as Donna and said she lived in the forest at the edge of town and that she was a healer. They spent every day together that he was here, and then he had to leave." Lord Chambers saw her response to his words, the acceptance and he continued. "My brother loved your mother and wanted to take her with him back to Penrith, but he was betrothed to another and her father threatened to take back his lands if he did not honor the marriage. My brother offered to take your mother back and set her up as his mistress, but she refused. So, he left."

Felicity felt the breath leave her lungs as he continued. "When your mother became pregnant with you she tried to contact him. By that time, he had fully committed to his marriage and he did not want a bastard child to be made public so he ignored her letters and refused to see her. I intercepted those letters, and when I heard that she was pregnant with you and that my brother was the father, I felt an obligation to take care of you. So, I started sending your mother money once every few months to help with your care."

Felicity looked at him in shock. Not only was he her uncle, he was her benefactor. Felicity felt tears sliding down her cheeks and she moved closer to him. He took her hands gently and she could see compassion in his eyes. "I was so sorry to hear when she died. I only met her once but she was a beautiful woman both inside and out. I see her in you."

Felicity did not know what to say. She felt him squeeze her hands and he pulled her into a gentle hug. "We are family Felicity." He pulled back and looked at her. "And because we are family I want you to tell me everything that happened with Sir Ray."

Felicity hesitated for a moment and then she started to talk.


Oliver gathered his sword and his dagger and taking a deep breath headed down the stairs of the castle. He still felt that humming sensation throughout his body and he wondered what Felicity had said before he left. His page Ben followed close behind and soon they were standing in the courtyard face to face with Ray and his page. Oliver gave him a cold, deadly stare from across the courtyard as they waited for Lord Chambers. He would be the judge. Oliver turned as they heard him approaching and was shocked by the lady that was on his arm. Felicity!

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