Untitled Part 23

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Oliver walked over to the bed and sat down taking Felicity's hands. He could see the serious look on her face and she seemed extremely nervous. He glanced at Alara before Felicity started to talk. "Do you remember Lyla talking about how the color of the amulet can signify life changes?"

"Yes, and I noticed that both the amulet and Alara's eyes have turned a different shade of purple. Is everything ok Felicity?" He was starting to get worried. Was she sick? He gently squeezed her hands. She hesitated and he lifted her chin with his finger. "You can tell me anything Felicity. Whatever it is we will deal with it together."

Felicity smiled a soft smile, her face almost glowing. "Oliver we are having a baby."

Oliver looked at her in shock. Had he heard her right? He opened his mouth to say something but nothing would come out. A baby?

Felicity bit her lower lip and waited for him to respond. He seemed speechless. "When I woke up this morning and saw the amulet had turned to lavender I knew something was going on, but I was not sure what. I spoke to Lyla this morning and she knew right away."

Oliver looked at Felicity in awe, 'You mean last night.......?"

Felicity nodded. Oliver's eyes caressed down her face to her stomach, and he gently laid his hand over her stomach. "A baby?"

Felicity nodded.

"Our baby?"

Felicity nodded.

Felicity watched as the most beautiful smile she had ever seen spread over Oliver's face. "So I am going to be a father?"

Felicity nodded as she bit her bottom lip.

Oliver leaned over and kissed her firmly on the lips. Oliver's hands moved up and cupped her cheeks and his eyes shown with such love it took Felicity's breath away. "We are going to have a baby!" He said the words so matter of factly and with such a beautiful smile on his face Felicity started laughing.

"Is that all you can say?" she grinned.

"No, I can say I love you! But I also have something else to tell you that I think you need to know." Felicity gave him a quizzical look.

"Your Uncle talked to me earlier about taking over his lands. He wants to step down and make me Lord of Gliestan." Felicity looked shocked.

"Wait, so he wants you to become Lord of Gliestan? But why? Is he sick?" She was worried maybe he was sick and not telling them. Oliver shook his head no.

"No my love. He just wants to spend the time he has left in peace. I told him I would be honored to take the lands on one condition. That he live out the rest of his days here with us."

Felicity could not believe everything that was happening, and it was happening so very fast. She looked at Alara and the panther blinked her eyes slowly at Felicity and let out a soft roar.

"I need to go see my Uncle!" Felicity stood and immediately headed to the door. Oliver stood quickly and captured her elbow.

"Whoa there, slow down. I can't having you tripping on the stairs. I will walk with you." Felicity rolled her eyes teasingly but then placed her arm in his as Alara walked up beside her and the three of them went down to see Lord Chambers.


Lord Chamber turned as he heard a knock at the door and he smiled when he saw Oliver and Felicity and Alara standing there. He kissed Felicity on the cheek and invited them to sit.

"I am guessing that Oliver told you the news?"

Felicity smiled softly, "Yes he told me that you are wanting to step down. Are you ok Uncle? You are not sick are you?"

"Oh no my child", he laughed. "I am just old. I want to be able to enjoy what time I have left and I feel it is time to leave Gliestan in younger, more capable hands."

"Uncle, I cannot tell you what this means to us, especially now!" Felicity smiled and looked up at Oliver.

"Now?" Lord Chambers looked at their faces, he could see happiness beaming from their faces.

"We are with child Uncle!" Felicity said taking his hands.

Lord Chambers looked at Felicity and then looked up Oliver. He was overwhelmed with emotion. Tears welled in his eyes and he cleared his throat before he spoke.

"Words cannot express how very happy I am at this moment." He pulled Felicity to him gently and hugged her tight. "You are like a daughter to me Felicity. You shall have the finest care, whatever you need."

Oliver smiled, "I have one more surprise for Felicity but I wanted to share it with the both of you. I have asked Lyla and John to stay in Gliestan and for her to be town's healer."

Felicity turned and looked at Oliver in wonder. What has she done to deserve the happiness she was feeling right now? Her heart was overflowing and she walked over and kissed Oliver softly. "I don't' deserve you my lord."

"Nor I you my lady!"

Lord Chambers clapped his hands together in glee. He could not wait to get this festival in motion.

They had a lot to celebrate.

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