Untitled Part 9

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Oliver stepped back and looking down saw the cloth that Ray had given her during the tournament. Just seeing it in her hand made him angry so he tried to ignore it. "Felicity will you stay for the festivities this afternoon? There will be food and dancing."

Felicity looked at him with wide eyes. "I've never danced before."

Oliver looked at her in surprise. The more he got to know her the more he realized how sheltered her life must have been, and how lonely. He let his hand touch her cheek one more time. That possessive feeling hit him in the pit of his stomach again and he had to tamper it down. He took her hand in his, "Then let's remedy that."

They made their way back to the feast and Oliver and Felicity sat across from Thea and Roy as they ate their lunch. The food was delicious and Lord Chambers regaled them with stories of when he was younger. It made for an entertaining time. Thea however wanted to know more about Felicity.

"So Felicity, you said you have a pet panther? What else should we know about the lady who has captured my brother's heart!" Oliver glared at Thea and Felicity looked at her in surprise as she smiled shyly. She knew Thea was teasing Oliver but the thought of having this brave knight's heart made her own do a little flip.

"I am an empath". Felicity said. Thea looked at her with interest. "I feel others emotions more strongly than most people, particularly violence and death."

"Wow that must be difficult to handle sometimes." Thea said with understanding.

"It can make it hard to be in large crowds at times. My mother was an empath too."

Lord Chambers stared at her intently. This woman was intriguing and reminded him of someone he knew long ago. He pushed that thought to the back of his mind. He had not seen her in years. His life had moved on.

As they finished eating they heard the music and Thea grabbed Felicity's hand and tugged her up. "Let's go dance Felicity." She pulled her over to the circle and started mimicing the other dancers. Felicity looked lost at first and then as she let the music take over she started to dance. Joy lit up her face as they moved around the circle. There was laughing and some people stumbled from having too much mead, but Felicity did not care. As she looked over at Oliver she saw him watching her and she smiled at him.

Oliver caught his breath at the joy that he could see on Felicity's face. And the fact that everyone was accepting her and she was having such a good time made him so glad he had asked her to come to the festival. He stared mesmerized and when the dance was over, Thea and Felicity returned to them, their faces flushed and their eyes sparkling. Felicity walked over to Oliver and looked up at him with innocent joy and Oliver could not stop himself from gently stroking her face. He wanted to see her happy and carefree every day for the rest of her life. She and Thea joined in on some line dancing and as the day passed she started to grow tired. She knew she needed to head home soon and so she tapped Thea on the shoulder to let her know she was leaving the line and walked over to Oliver.

"It is about time for me to go home my lord." Oliver looked at her with disappointment.

"Are you sure you need to leave my lady?" He took her hands in his and pulled her aside.

"I need to go check on Alara, and I would like to get home before it grows dark." Oliver nodded and made a decision.

"Then I shall give you a ride home."

"Oh no, I couldn't ask you to leave your family Oliver. I can make my way home." She hated the thought of him missing some time with Thea just to take her home. "Please, I can find my way."

Oliver was torn. On the one hand he wanted to take her home and make sure she arrived safe. On the other Thea and Roy were leaving tomorrow which did not leave them much time to visit.

"Please go straight home Felicity. I will come by in the morning and check on you." He gave her an earnest look and she smiled.

"Yes my lord!" She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek and Oliver held her to him as she whispered, "If it were not for all of these people, I would give you a proper kiss."

Oliver's eyes grew dark as he looked at her and he smiled a sexy smile, "I shall expect that kiss tomorrow my lady."

Felicity said her goodbyes to Thea, Roy and Lord Chambers and then lifting his cloth to her nose, she looked at Oliver with a shy smile before she turned and made her way down into town. As she walked along she thought of the day she had experienced. It had been wonderful. And her kiss with Oliver had been so very sensual. She could not get it off her mind. As she neared the woods, she heard horse hooves coming up behind her and she stiffened before turning around. She knew the sound of Oliver's horse and this was not it. Looking up she saw Ray, and she clenched Oliver's cloth in her hand and tried not to show her fear.

"My lord, what are you doing here?"

Ray dismounted and walked closer to Felicity looking around. "I saw you leave and I couldn't just let a beautiful woman such as yourself walk home alone."

Felicity gave him a friendly smile, "I am fine my lord. I have been walking these woods since I was a child. But thank you. Have a good evening." She turned and started to walk and Ray kept pace with her. She felt her blood pump with fear and she quickened her steps.

"Now is that any way to treat someone who not only gave you their favor but rode all this way to see you home safely?" Felicity kept walking. "As I said my lord, I can make my own way home."

Ray grabbed her arm, and Felicity stiffened as he stepped in front of her. "Why are you in such a hurry? Why don't we get to know each other better." He did not let go of her arm and she felt him tugging her closer. As she felt her anger rise, she heard a growl behind her and she saw Ray's eyes grow wide. He turned her in his arms and held her in front of him as Alara prowled slowly forward.

"Where did that come from?" Ray asked in shock.

"She belongs to me. And she does not like the way you are handling me. I would advise you to let go now if you know what is good for you." Felicity could see her talisman starting to glow and Alara's eyes stayed laser locked on Ray.

"Hoidke silmad talle Alara! (Keep your eyes on him Alara!)" Felicity spoke and Ray looked at her confused. As he did he loosened his hold and Felicity called on her powers her talisman glowing, her eyes green. Before Ray knew what was happening he flew back from her and landed on his back and Alara was on him. She looked down at him, her eyes as green as the talisman that encircled Felicity's neck and he watched as Felicity walked over calmly. The cat stayed on his chest.

"If you ever touch me like that again, I will not stop Alara from ripping you to shreds."

Ray looked up in fear as the huge cat bared her canines to him. Felicity stepped back and Alara moved off his chest and to her side. She stayed slightly in front of Felicity and they both watched as Ray scrambled to his horse and rode away in a hurry. Felicity collapsed to the ground tired, her powers draining, and she wrapped her arms around Alara, resting her head against Alara's shoulder.

She heard familiar hoove prints gallop up to her and suddenly Oliver was by her side.

"Felicity!!! Are you ok? What happened?

"I will tell you but will you please take me home?" she asked weakly. She knew she could not walk home and Oliver gently picked her up in his arms and mounted his horse before he followed Alara home.

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