Untitled Part 5

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Felicity felt open and vulnerable at that moment and so she took a step back from him. He didn't try to stop her.

She gave him a small smile and walked back to the blanket. "Let's not talk of him." She sat down and looked at him with interest. "You said your parents died. I am sorry. Do you have any other family?"

Oliver smiled softly. "Yes, a sister. Her name is Thea. She actually is on her way here. She lives in Gavendale not far from here. She is married to a Lord's son by the name of Roy Harper." He smiled as he thought of Thea. After their parents died and he started traveling he had rarely gotten to see her. When he sent her word that he would be in Gliestan, she had decided to come see him. He was looking forward to spending time with her and Roy.

Felicity smiled at the look on his face, she could tell he cared a lot for her. Felicity looked around and called Alara to her. The needed to head back. She stood and Oliver looked at her in surprise. "We probably should head back now', she said.

Oliver felt a twinge of disappointment. He was enjoying their time and did not want it to end, but he did not want to push his luck. He gathered their things and put them in his saddle bag before he mounted his horse and lifted her up behind him. She placed her arms around his waist and he reached around and tugged her closer to him causing her body to be flush against his back. She trembled slightly at the feel of him and he felt her response. He called on his resolve and turned his horse back toward the village. Arriving back where the market had once been Oliver dismounted his horse and helped her down. As she touched the ground he let his hands linger on her waist. She was so small his hands almost spanned her waist.

She blushed and stepped back with a smile. "I enjoyed today Felicity." He said.

She was about to tell him she had a great time too when Tom stepped out of the tavern, and he was stone cold drunk. "Well Queen. I see you spent the afternoon with that blonde wench." He stumbled closer and Oliver turned toward him with an icy stare.

"Why don't you go back inside Tom. Have another drink.", he said coldly.

"Well I was hoping for my turn Queen. Don't tell me you're going to keep her all to yourself." He leered at Felicity and Oliver moved in front of her. Alara stepped forward right next to Oliver and her growl caught the guy's attention. He took a step back.

"Call that damn thing off Queen." Tom said, starting to grow uncomfortable.

"Tom, you have about two seconds to head back inside." Oliver said, deadly and cold.

Tom looked at Oliver and then at the cat by his side. He was drunk but not stupid and so he turned with a parting shot. "I will go in this time. But if I see that bitch around town, she is fair game."

Oliver almost snapped. Felicity grabbed Alara's collar as she growled and took a step toward the man. She pulled her back as Oliver walked up to Tom and said something low so that Felicity could not hear.

"You go anywhere near what is mine Tom. The last thing you will feel will be my sword in your chest." Tom heard the deadly tone in his voice and looked up into his eyes. He gulped when he saw Oliver's eyes and he turned and went into the tavern.

Oliver took a deep breath and turned back to Felicity but she was gone.

Shit! Would he see her again?


Felicity walked quickly toward her cabin, her heart racing. She had such a wonderful time with Oliver and she had not wanted the day to end. But she knew the more time she spent with him the harder it would be when he left. And the way that Tom had referred to her had brought back words her mother had spoken to her when she turned 13. She had been beautiful even as a child, as was her mother, and men were constantly watching them as they walked through town. Her mother had warned her of men and their ways and to be careful. Men would be attracted to her as she grew older and she wanted Felicity to experience love with a man that truly loved her and treated her with the respect she so deserved. So that was part of why Felicity had remained pure. She was waiting for her true love. She wondered briefly if Oliver could be that man but she dismissed that thought quickly. How could he be that man if he was going to leave?

She entered her cabin as Alara told her she was going to hunt. She raced off and Felicity closed the door behind her. She set about putting her flowers up around the cabin and she smiled as she looked at each one. She loved flowers and Oliver had been so sweet to buy her one of each kind. Felicity moved to the floor in front of the fireplace and sat down. Crossing her legs beneath her, she closed her eyes. She had used her powers today and she could feel the toll it had taken. She needed to meditate. She let her mind relax as her talisman started to glow and Felicity soon was oblivious to everything around her as her powers slowly refilled her soul. As a mage her powers were strong but they also took a toll on her body when used and so she used them sparingly. She came to a little while later and opened her eyes. She felt refreshed and despite the fact that she knew she should stay away from him, she hoped she would see Oliver again soon.


Oliver handed the reins of his horse to the page and then headed up the stairs and into the castle. He decided to go to the common room tonight and eat dinner with his men. They needed to do some training tomorrow so he wanted to talk to Slade about working with the men. As was the case every day the courtesan's were mingling about the room trying to catch the eye of a knight to enjoy their evening. Oliver ignored them all. He had no interest. His time with Felicity had been nice and she was invading his every thought. The other women held no appeal so he went directly toward Slade who had a courtesan sitting on his lap. She was beautiful with dark hair and eyes and Oliver caught the way Slade was looking at her. It was a look of a man who was enthralled. Oliver sat down at the table across from Slade and the woman gave him a look of pleasant surprise. She threw him a sexy smile but Oliver ignored her looking right at Slade.

"Slade, we need to do some training with the men tomorrow. We do not know when Malcolm will strike again, so I want them all prepared for battle." Slade could see that Oliver was in a serious mood. They had worked together many times before and Slade could read him like a brother. He turned to the woman and whispered something in her ear, and she stood with a pout before throwing Oliver a seductive look and then walking away.

"Why so serious Queen? There are many lovely ladies roaming about. I am surprised you are not taking one out to the hallway or back to your chambers." Oliver looked around the room and then back at Slade.

"I am not interested."

Slade raised an eyebrow at him. Hmmm, so maybe what James had told him was true. "James told me he saw you at the market with a beautiful blonde. Care to elaborate?"

"I would rather not talk about it right now." Oliver said, his voice calm but edged with steel. He did not want to share his time with Felicity right now. He wanted to keep it to himself.

Slade saw his look and dropped the subject. For now. "Ok Queen. Why don't we meet after breakfast we can run the men through some drills and assess each one for battle."

Oliver nodded and accepted the food that was given to him. The lovely servant gave him a shy smile as she set it down and then hurried away. Slade watched her go with interest.

"One more thing." Oliver said as he took a bite of his food. "I want to send scouts to the border lands to keep an eye on Malcolm and his people and I want them to report back to me weekly, and I want men to patrol the forest. If Malcolm is seen anywhere near the woods I want to know immediately." Slade gave him a look of surprise. He got the sense that there was more to Oliver's reason for wanting to keep an eye on Malcolm but he did not ask.

Oliver finished his food and then headed up to his chambers. Tomorrow would be a grueling day and Thea would be arriving too.

He sighed, took off his clothes and lay down on the bed. Soon he was fast asleep.

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