Untitled Part 15

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Felicity looked at Oliver in surprise. She thought for a moment she had been hearing things. "Did you just call me your love?"

Oliver smiled and let out a soft laugh, "Yes!"

Felicity stepped back, still unsure. "You don't have to say that just because I did Oliver or because you were my first." As much as it hurt her to say it she continued. "You will be leaving at some point, I understand that." She looked at him with eyes that held no illusions about what he was or who he was. He was a knight for hire and he would be leaving.

Oliver took her hands and sat down on the bed. "Felicity look at me!" He took his finger and gently lifted her face to his, and the look she saw in his eyes mesmerized her.

"You have captivated me my lady! I left camp as soon as the battle was over because I needed to see you. I needed to be with you." He gently squeezed her hands. "I told you that I was thinking about retiring and accepting my own lands. That I was thinking about becoming a Lord. I want that now. I want that with you." He chuckled as Alara looked up from her spot and growled softly. "And you too Alara." She purred and laid her head back down, closing her eyes. "I love you Felicity!"

Felicity smiled as she felt a warmth and power course through her like she had never felt before. Her mother had once told her that when she found her true love that he would enhance her powers. Felicity could feel that, and it was evident in the way her talisman started to glow. Felicity gave him the sweetest smile he had ever received and she whispered softly. "I love you too Oliver!"

He kissed her gently and she felt that surge of power close off, finally it was complete. She was complete. They made love throughout the night with wonder as they explored each other and their love.

Felicity had no nightmares that night.


They woke the next morning slowly, languidly both hesitant to leave the bubble they had created. But they had things they needed to do and they dressed quickly and headed out and toward town. Felicity had promised Lord Chambers that she would return to the castle today and visit with him. He wanted to get to know her and she was excited to get to know him and to know more about her family. She had some questions about her father, and even though she knew there was little chance she would meet him or he would accept her a small part of her kept a place for just that.

Felicity snuggled into Oliver's back as they rode through town. By this time the news of Sir Ray's death had spread and as Alara trotted along beside Oliver's horse, the people looked at her with more curiosity than fear. They had heard that the blonde woman had kept the large cat from harming Sir Ray. What kind of spell did she cast to do such things? And the fact that Lord Oliver had fought for her honor and won, had impressed the people of Gliestan. He was a respected knight and curious eyes, not hostile ones followed them through town. It was a new experience for Felicity and she gave them a small smile as they passed.

Oliver rode his horse into the castle courtyard and dismounted. He reached up and took Felicity by the waist helping her down and then kissed her nose before he handed the reigns of his horse to the page that was waiting. Felicity gently stroked the horse's cheek before the boy led the huge horse to the stables. As they walked up the stairs the usual courtesans were waiting along the hallways. They looked at Felicity with envious fascination as Oliver held her hand tightly and led her down the hall, Alara by their side. He was going to leave her with Lord Chambers while he bathed and changed clothes and as they entered the sitting room Lord Chambers turned with a jovial smile.

"Ah, there is my beautiful niece!" He walked over and kissed her gently on the cheek, then shook Oliver's hand. He looked at Alara curiously. "Is this the Alara I have heard you speak about?"

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