Untitled Part 26

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Oliver found John with the men and watched as he went through some training exercises with them. He was impressed. He knew John was a big man, but he was overall light on his feet. As they finished John walked over, he had a smile.

"It has been awhile since I have trained. Thank you for this opportunity my lord."

They headed back inside and Oliver told John about Alara and her cubs and about Felicity being pregnant. John stopped and gave Oliver an envious look. "That is wonderful news my lord."

"What about you and Lyla?" Oliver asked as they continued walking. "Have you guys thought of starting a family?"

John paused for a moment, his face looking reflective."Yes, we have talked about it. But we didn't want to start a family until we knew we were settled somewhere. You have given us that my lord. Thank you!"

They walked back inside and saw their wives sitting by the fire. The ladies looked up and smiled when they saw their husbands.

"Well I think we have a name for the cubs." Felicity said and smiled. "Lyla helped me to see their names in my talisman. My mother did the same when I named Alara."

She looked at the beautiful cubs, "The black one is going to be Midnight and the white on is going to be Zima, which is Russian for winter." Oliver walked over and kissed her on the head.

"I think those are perfect." He took her hand and pulled her up from her seat. "You need to rest my lady."

Felicity rolled her eyes but the thought of being alone with her husband was too much so she told Lyla she would check in with her later and allowed Oliver to lead her upstairs. Oliver closed the door behind them and pulled her into his arms.

"Me resting was just an excuse to get me alone wasn't it?"

He grinned, "Can you blame me?"

"No my lord, on the contrary, you read my mind." She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed him with a sweet reverence. She still could not believe this beautiful man was her husband. She undid the belt of his tunic and pulled it over his head, her eyes devouring his chiseled chest. She kissed along his pecs and lifted her arms when he tugged her dress up and over her head. He groaned when he saw she was not wearing anything under her dress and she grinned at him before her hands slid down to his pants. He turned to the bed and sat down, tugging off his boots and when he stood back up she pushed his hands away and pushed his pants down his legs. She kneeled before him and Oliver's body grew hard as her gaze looked him over with hungry fascination.

Her fingers reached out and lightly ran down the length of him, and he shuddered at her touch. "Is it ok for me to......", she stopped. He noticed her blushing and tipped her face up to look at him.

"Felicity you don't have to be embarrassed with me. Anything we do together is ok." Before he could ask her what she wanted to do, she leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock. Seeing his beautiful wife on her knees in front of him beautifully naked was almost his undoing. He growled as she tasted him again, and soon, her hand and her mouth were on him. She took him into her mouth and his head fell back as he groaned. She slid her mouth over him again and again, her lips gliding along his length her mouth sucking him gently. It was so innocent and sexy at the same time that Oliver had to stop her before he combusted. He pulled her up gently by her arms and kissed her hungrily, ravenously. He turned her and laid her down on the bed, moving up between her thighs with deliberate care. He settled between her legs, kissing each inner thigh and her hips arched. He grinned against her skin and held her hips down with his arm, as he moved closer to her center. She whimpered and he smiled before his tongue slid down her slit. She gasped and he did it again, and she tried to move her hips, but he wouldn't let her. Then he parted her gently and thrust his tongue inside and she gasped loudly as he started to thrust his tongue in and out. His thumb moved down and stroked her clit and Felicity thought she was going to explode. She grabbed his hair with her hands and just felt as he added two fingers to the onslaught of his tongue. He could tell she was getting so close by the way her body was shaking and soon she exploded around him, her body releasing along his tongue and hand. He worked her through her orgasm as her body was racked with pleasure and then moved up her body, licking his fingers clean. Her eyes were heavy lidded and she was overwhelmed with sensations as he moved up and inside of her with a thrust of his hips. The feelings were intense as he started to move and Felicity clung to his broad shoulders as he kissed her deeply and thoroughly.

Their bodies met again and again, and soon Felicity was climbing back up toward a second release, as her body was already primed from her orgasm. He could feel her body responding again, and as he felt his body getting close to the edge in turn, he changed his angle, his body hitting her clit and soon they were both spiraling over the edge. His thrusts moved frantically against her as he came and soon they were slowing down, his kisses soft on her face, their bodies still as one.

"I love you Felicity Smoak-Queen." he said as he leaned on his elbows and looked down at her.

"I love you too Oliver Queen." She smiled up at him and they soon feel asleep in each other's arms. Felicity dreamed that day. She dreamed of their daughter and how beautiful she would be and of their kids, older, running through the castle. And she also dreamed of her and Oliver, their hair grey, their skin wrinkled from time and age, but she also felt in her dream. She felt their love and their true devotion to one another and she smiled in her sleep.

She knew her dream would come true, and it did.

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