Untitled Part 12

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As they rode into the castle courtyard, Felicity kept her face hidden with the hood of her cloak. The people walking around gave her a curious look but then moved along their way. The men helped her dismount and then led her up the stairs and into the hallway. They walked down a long corridor and entered the throne room and Felicity looked around with nervous curiosity. It was a large room with two large thrones at one end on a dais. There were beautiful stained glass windows in the walls flanking each side that depicted battles and heavy drapery lined the wall behind the dais. There was a shield with a coat of arms that had four fleur d'lis and a knight's helmet.

Felicity lowered her hood and looked to see Lord Chambers awaiting their arrival. Ray Palmer was standing to his side and Felicity's eyes narrowed as he looked at her in surprise.

Allister stepped forward. "My lord. We were unable to capture the panther, so we have brought in Miss Smoak in her stead."

Lord Chambers looked at her in shock and he quickly calmed himself before he spoke. "Miss Smoak, I am sure Sir Allister had informed you of the reason you have been summonsed. Sir Ray has accused you of harboring a dangerous animal."

Felicity curtsied to Lord Chambers before she spoke, "Yes my lord. I was informed of this accusation. However, Lord Ray failed to mention that he grabbed my arm and would not let go and Alara was just trying to protect me. She brought no harm to Lord Ray." The last words were said with firm conviction and Felicity's eyes turned to Ray and then back to meet those of Lord Chambers.

Lord Chamber sighed. "Well my lady, until we can figure out what actually happened this Alara, you say? She must be brought in and placed in a hold."

Felicity cringed at the thought of Alara spending one minute in a cage. She would not allow it.

"My lord, I will not bring her to be caged. I cannot." Felicity said.

"Well then my lady. Until we can figure out what truly happened, and because you will not bring the cat to be placed in hold, then I have the unfortunate responsibility of holding you in her place." Felicity looked at him in surprise and then he motioned for his men to come forward. "Please take Miss Smoak to her cell until such time this matter gets resolved." HIs men hesitated. They had fought alongside Sir Oliver and not only respected him but knew his skill, and they knew what this lady meant to him. They did not move.

Ray looked at them and his eyes grew angry. "You heard Lord Chambers. Take her now!"

Felicity looked around in panic as the men came forward. Allister took her arm gently and she calmed herself before she allowed him to lead her out of the room. As they were walking to the door Oliver came storming in and when he saw them he walked over and drew his sword. His eyes were like daggers as they looked to Ray and then to Lord Chambers.

"What is going on? Where are you taking her?"

Lord Chambers stepped forward, "Miss Smoak refuses to bring the cat in for holding so I have no choice but to hold her until the matter with Sir Ray is resolved." Allister moved to take her arm and Oliver turned on him and placed his sword at his neck.

"Do not touch her or you will die where you stand." His voice was so deadly serious that Allister immediately stepped back.

"Sir Oliver. You will remove your sword now or I shall be forced to take further action." Lord Chambers spoke his voice hard.

"Oliver please!" Felicity looked at him and placed her hand on his arm. Oliver looked at her and then lowered his sword. Allister took Felicity's arm and she looked back at Oliver one more time before she was led out of the room.

Oliver stalked over to Ray and his look was filled with rage. "You will tell Lord Chambers the truth now."

Ray looked at Oliver, his eyes angry. "I have spoken the truth. That cat is a menace and should have a sword put through it."

Oliver stepped closer and whispered, "Some could say the same for you Lord Ray, and I would be more than happy to do that right now."

"Enough!!!" Lord Chambers said. Oliver stepped back and looked at Ray.

"I challenge Ray to a duel in defense of Felicity Smoak and her panther Alara." Oliver gave Ray a deadly stare and when Ray heard his challenge he paled. He had seen Oliver in battle and he knew he was good.

Lord Chambers walked over and looked at Oliver. "Sir Oliver I would advise you to think about his before you put something into motion that you cannot change."

"I know exactly what I am doing my lord, and I challenge Sir Ray to a duel." He looked at Ray coldly. "The question is will he accept?"

Ray looked at Lord Chambers trying to see if he would stop this nonsense. Lord Chambers calmly looked at him and waited. "Sir Ray?"

Ray looked back at Oliver and took a deep breath. "I accept."

Lord Chambers nodded, "Then there shall be a duel in the courtyard at dawn."

Oliver turned and stalked out of the room. He would end this tonight.


Felicity walked into the cell as Allister closed it behind her. He looked at her with compassion. "I am sorry Miss Smoak."

She gave him a small smile and then turned and walked to the back and sat against the wall. She could feel the talisman around her neck vibrating and she closed her eyes trying to calm her fears. At least Alara was safe, that was what mattered to her right now.

She tried to calm her nerves as she gently held her talisman.

She heard Oliver barking an order, and looked up to see Allister unlocking her cell. When the cell was opened Oliver quickly moved to her side and as she stood he took her into his arms and hugged her close. He pulled back after a moment and stared into her eyes. "My lady, I am so sorry for what is happening to you."

She smiled and gave him a reassuring look. "I will be fine Oliver."

"Yes you will because I have challenged Sir Ray to a duel at dawn." Felicity looked at him in shock.

"Oliver please tell me that is not true!" She searched his face and could see in his eyes, he was telling the truth.

"Felicity Ray is not going to tell Lord Chambers the truth. He would rather you sit in this cell for rebuffing him." Just the thought made Oliver clench his fists and Felicity took his hands into hers.

"Oliver please don't do this. The truth will come out. I am certain" her eyes pleaded with him.

"How Felicity? No one was there but you, Sir Ray and Alara. It is your word against Ray's." He saw the worried expression in her eyes and he smiled trying to ease her worry. "I can win this Felicity."

Felicity lifted her hands and cupped his face. He had come to mean so very much to her that the thought of him getting hurt or worse dying was unimaginable to her. She remembered what her mother had told her. That if she was with her true love that it would make her powers stronger. And she remembered something else she had told her. That true love would allow her to protect those she loved, and she knew without a doubt that she loved Oliver.

She leaned up and kissed his lips. As she kissed him Oliver felt an electric current flow from her into him. Her talisman was glowing bright and as she pulled back from the kiss she whispered, "Ma palun kaitset oma armastuse eest. Anna talle jõudu ja tuua ta tagasi minusse. (I ask for protection for my love. Please give him strength and bring him back to me.)" She leaned back and looked into his eyes and Oliver knew something had just happened. His body hummed with electric energy and he gently cupped her face before he turned and walked out of her cell. As Allister closed the door and turned the lock, Felicity walked to the bars and smiled, her eyes and talisman glowing a gentle green.

"I will come back to you." Oliver said and then turned and walked to his chambers. He needed to get ready.

Tonight was a fight to the death, and something told him it would be a fight for love.

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