Untitled Part 22

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Oliver and Felicity headed down the next morning feeling happy and rested. Alara was by their side and as they walked through the castle to the dining hall, servants stopped and bowed their heads in respect. No one seemed to fear the cat and their eyes followed the beautiful blonde and her knight with a smile. As they entered the room, Lord Chambers walked over and kissed Felicity on the cheek, then he turned to Oliver.

"Ah, just the man I wanted to see. Felicity do you mind if I borrow him for a few minutes?"

Felicity smiled, "Not at all Uncle. I shall visit with Lyla and John." She kissed Oliver lovingly before heading to their table.

"Please, walk with me." Lord Chambers lead Oliver out of the room and down the hall.

"There is something I need to discuss with you man to man Sir Oliver. Please give me a moment." He indicated Oliver should enter his office before he shut the door behind them.

"Oliver there is something that I have been needing to do for awhile, but just could not figure out the best way to approach it. However, with you and Felicity here, I know exactly what I want to do." He indicated Oliver should sit down before he continued. "I have been thinking of stepping down for awhile. However, with my children having their own lands and families, I have not had anyone that I could pass down my lands to or bestow lordship. That is until you came along. Felicity is my family and you Sir Oliver have become like a son to me. Therefore I would like to step down as Lord of Gleistan and grant my lands to you."

Oliver looked at him stunned. Was he hearing him right? Oliver had dreamed of having his own lands since he met Felicity but he never in his wildest dreams imagined it would be this quick or that it would be Gliestan.

"Sir, with all due respect, why would you choose to hand Gliestan to me? You still have many years left in you my lord."

"I am old Oliver and I can no longer lead my men in battle. Plus the village needs someone young and strong to lead it forward and make change. You and Felicity are the perfect Lord and Lady to do just that. You are a good man Oliver and the people here see that. They respond to you. And because of you and her good deeds they are growing to love Felicity. And some even Alara." he laughed. "It would make me a happy man and would allow me to live out my remaining years in peace", he smiled.

"That is without question my lord....I....I don't know what to say."

"Please say you accept. I have plans for a festival in two days and I want to make the announcement at the festival."

Oliver looked at him and walked over to the window. He could finally settle down with lands of his own and even marry Felicity. The thought of her being his wife and maybe having a few kids made him feel warmth in his chest like never before. He could have a family, a home.

He turned to Lord Chambers and with tears in his eyes, he held out his hand to him. "I accept my Lord, but on one condition."

"Name it!"

"That you stay with us, here in the castle for as long as you choose."

"Just try to get rid of me." They laughed and hugged.

Oliver could not wait to tell Felicity.


Felicity smiled as she sat with Lyla and John and when Lyla looked at Felicity's face and then at her talisman, a look of pure glee filled her eyes.

"I am guessing you had a good night Felicity."

"Yes, and I feel so much better this morning."

Lyla smiled and gave John a knowing look. He looked at Felicity and her talisman and his eyes widened. He knew why Lyla was so excited.

"Where is Oliver?' John asked.

"He is with my uncle. He needed to talk to Oliver." She put some fruit on her plate, her appetite ravenous and they talked as they ate their food. Felicity found that she and Lyla came from similar backgrounds and she knew she would be counting Lyla as one of her dearest friends. She wished they did not have to leave.

"Felicity do you remember when we were talking yesterday and I told you that the color of the talisman indicated life changes?"

Felicity nodded with a sigh, "How could I forget. I will never be able to repay you for sorting things out for me."

"Well what would you say if I told you that your talisman has changed again?" Felicity's eyes flew down to the talisman and then she looked at Alara laying nearby. The talisman and her eyes were glowing soft lavender. She looked at Lyla. "Please....what does this mean?"

Lyla grinned and looked at John and then at Felicity. "Felicity it seems you conceived last night. You are with child."

Felicity was shocked. "But how can you know that.....how can the talisman know? It's too soon."

"Felicity your powers defy logic in every aspect, and because of its strength you are finely tuned to the talisman and it to you. The same with Alara. As soon as you conceived the talisman picked up tiny changes in your bodies chemistry."

Felicity put her hand on her stomach in awe. A baby? Really?

"Are you sure?" she asked. She had thought that the other day but had been wrong. She did not want to be wrong again.

"I am absolutely sure Felicity." Lyla and John both smiled at her and Felicity placed her hand over her mouth in wonder. A baby! Hers and Oliver's!

How in the world was she going to tell him?


Oliver walked back to the hall with Lord Chambers and then headed to Felicity. He walked up behind her and kissed her on the head before taking a seat beside her. He could not see the wonder or joy in her face as he turned and looked at John.

"So when are you guys planning on leaving?"

"We promised Lord Chamber we would wait until after the festival to head home." John said. He looked at Lyla as they both wondered if Felicity would tell Oliver the good news.

"Good, I would like to talk to you both after breakfast." Oliver smiled at them and then put some food on his plate.

When they were done eating, as they stood, Felicity looked at Oliver with a soft smile. "I am going to go to the room and rest." She looked at Lyla and John begging them not to say anything. She was not ready to tell Oliver yet so she did not want them to say anything.

"Ok my love. I will be up soon." He kissed her cheek and then watched as she and Alara headed out of the room.

"Can we go to Lord Chambers's office and talk?" he asked. Lyla and John nodded and then they all headed that way.

By the time they were done talking Oliver had a smile on his face and a plan. He had some surprises for Felicity, and he could not wait to tell them to her. He headed upstairs and found Felicity and Alara sitting on the bed talking. Felicity had a serene look on her face and Oliver couldn't help but stare. She looked so beautiful that it made his chest ache.

"How are my girls?" he teased as he walked into the room. Alara looked at him and blinked her large lavendar eyes before she started purring softly.

"Happy!" Felicity said and smile. "Oliver can we talk? I have some news for you."

Felicity had thought about it all the way up to the room. She couldn't hold off on telling Oliver. She needed him to know so she could know where they stood. Where their relationship stood.

She was going to tell him.

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