Chapter 10// Childish Games

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Authors note: Yay! Chapter ten! Haha for some reason I really like that number so hopefully this will be a good chapter. I have had a little confidence boost lately when a certain famous author by the name of 'campervangirl2000' had a look at my book and gave me some encouraging words. She writes my favorite books so go read them and I have decided to dedicate this chapter to her!

So here you are Lauren (campervangirl2000). Chapter 10 of The Devil Next Door. Enjoy :)

Chapter 10// Childish Games

Emily P.O.V

"Ready or not, here I come!" I call into the small, quiet park, my voice echoing slightly off old oak trees and the playground equipment. I creep like a spy to the blue tunnel and pop my head inside. Not here.

"Come out come out wherever you are." I call again, sneaking over to a large tree stump. I jump on top of it and find a little girl hiding on the other side.

"Got ya Molly!" I exclaim.

"Aw damn it, no fair." She complains.

Sore loser, just like her brother. I just giggle and she follows me to find the other two. I uncover Seb hiding in a big green bush.

"I'm so hungry." Is all he can say.

Now just one more. The three of us begin searching the playground and in all the other bushes. We have completely no idea where he could be hiding. Then I start to shift into a state of panic.

What if he was stolen. Oh shit. Oh crap. Oh my god.

"Ok George, we give up!" I call with urgency and worry in my voice. I hear a thump behind me and I spin to see my brother landed on the ground. My body relaxes.

"I win suckers!" he boasts, throwing himself a party.

That little devil climbed the tree. Surely there are rules against that. I sigh in defeat.

"Oi Sweetcakes," Seb gets my attention, "What's for lunch?"

My blushing cheeks don't make me feel any better in this hot weather.

"I don't know. What does everyone feel like?"

"Ice-cream!" Molly suggests hopefully.

"Yeah ice-cream!" George seconds. I look up at Seb who is smiling.

"I third that motion." He adds.

"Ice-cream it is then." I declare, grabbing my purse from the park bench and heading towards the road.

My parents thought it would be a good idea that 'us kids', spend some quality time together and spend the day out today. We began with the playground this morning, playing 5 rounds of hide-and-seek which I was left being the person to 'seek' every time. Me and Seb didn't really want to play (obviously since we're 17) but we played for our 8yr old siblings' sake.

I lead the others down to the Main Street in search of some kind of sundae bar. A rainbow colored window caught my eye to the left. The sign for the shop read 'Sally's Sundae Bar'. Perfect. I tugged on Seb's sleeve to follow me inside the shop. Molly and George ran straight for the large freezer with all the different flavors of ice-cream. They licked their lips hungrily and if we waited any longer I was sure they would start to drool.

"Seb, you take care of you and Molly's orders and we'll do ours." I instructed him, handing over half the money that mum had givin me.

"You can have two scoops." I told George as he scanned the toppings.

"I'll have one scoop raspberry and one bubblegum." (Why does he always choose the weird flavors?). "And I'll have some chocolate sprinkles on top." he added.

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